Throughout my life there are a handful of things I never thought I’d do. I never thought I’d live in a big city such as Boston. I never thought I’d use the word “delish” to describe something I ate.

Speaking which: that’s a habit I need to stop immediately.

I never thought I’d read a Twilight book. It was just one, scout’s honor. I had to figure out what all the fuss was about

And never, in my wildest dreams, did I ever think I’d own a cat and that I’d love her to pieces.

Oh, my wife ranks up there, too…;o)

Furthermore, something else happened recently I’d never thought I’d do. I wrote an article on the benefits of doing “cardio.”

Yes that cardio.

I’ve had a change of heart of late, and feel the advantages far outweigh the perceived disadvantages. Especially in the weight room.

It’s my latest article on T-Nation and you can read it HERE.