1.Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop – Chicago, IL (w/ Dr. Lisa Lewis)
This is happening Sunday, August 18, 2019
Go HERE to register.
This workshop is designed for fitness professionals – personal trainers, strength & conditioning coaches, physical therapists, etc – to provide both physical & psychological tools to help build your brand, business, and rapport with clients.
Dr. Lewis and I cover a lot of material:
- How to increase competency and motivation with your clients.
- An overview of both upper and lower extremity assessment to create increased “buy in.”
- How to set professional & personal boundaries with clients.
- Troubleshooting common lifts such as squats & deadlifts to best fit the needs, ability level, and anatomy of clients.
- And more…
CEUs will be available.
For more information – including full itinerary and to register – you can go HERE.
2. Coaching Competency – Dublin, Ireland
This is happening Sunday, September 8, 2019 (Early Bird rate in effect)
Register HERE
So what happens when a room full of Irish(w0)men find out I’m not much of a drinker?…;o)
Whether you get paid to tell people to lift heavy things or you just like to lift heavy things yourself, in this 1-day workshop you’ll get the opportunity to listen to me talk about my how I approach assessment and gain a better understanding of how I “match” the exercises I prescribe to better fit the needs, ability level, and more importantly, the anatomy of each individual I work work.
In short, this workshop looks at the “umbrella theme” of my coaching philosophy.
For more information – including itinerary and how to register – go HERE.
3. Strategic Strength Workshop – London, England
This is happening the weekend of September 14-15th, 2019 (Early Bird rate in effect).
Register HERE
Luke Worthington and I have presented this workshop twice. Once in London last year and again this past June in Boston.
We’re bringing it back to London this Fall, my most favorite place in the world.
This two-day workshop is designed to arm fitness professionals with all the tools they’ll need to hone their assessment skills and to make their clients/athletes a bunch of bonafide, resilient, strength training Terminators.
Combined Luke and I have ~40 years of coaching experience (or one Dan John) and bring different perspectives and skill-sets to the table; Luke peels back the onion on PRI (Postural Restoration Institute) concepts and assessment, while I go into detail breaking down movement and how to better “match” the exercises we prescribe to our clients.
For more information – including itinerary and how to register – you can go HERE.
I say this facetiously (kinda), but if you really want to “shop” for a personal trainer and can’t figure out who to hire and who’s worth the money, ask them to name 3 out of the 4 rotator cuff muscles.
If they can’t, well, there’s your answer.
Turn the page.
— Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore1) July 30, 2019
What to Do in the Gym When You Are New – Lana Sova
If you’re new to the gym (or know someone who’s thinking about going) this is a must read.
Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift Tips – August 1, 2019 – Tony Bonvechio
Bo knows baseball.
Tony B knows the “big 3.”
Oh, also: be sure to check out the Optimizing the Big 3 seminar hosted by both Tony B and Greg Robins in Worcester, MA later this month.
I’ll be there learning myself…;o)
Info HERE.
What Is the Best Strength Training Exercise for Triathletes? – Menachem Brodie
Short answer: strength training in general – not just one particular exercise – is the best…;o)