
Read Those Labels!

I came across a “blurb” on Yahoo a few weeks ago regarding shady food labels and it’s rather astonishing the extent that food companies will go to dupe people into thinking they’re eating healthy food. Terms such as lite, low-cal, or free of trans fat are often deemed “good choices” by many consumers and mistakenly thought of as a guilt free pleasure. Well, I’m here to tell you that if it sounds (and looks) too good to be true, it probably is. A few examples…….

When it comes to comfort food, has it got to be Kraft’s Macaroni and Cheese? Look twice. Like many boxed food mixes, the confusing label lists two sets of nutrition stats — and the first one is for the dry mix only. Unless you plan on eating your mac-cheese mix straight from the box, the prepared version (made with margarine and 2% milk) adds an extra 15 grams fat and 150 calories per serving to the figures on the label.

My Thoughts: Pretty sneaky if I may say so myself. But I don’t see what the big deal is. I mean, any “real” man knows that eating his mac-cheese straight out of the box is the shizzle. What could possibly be more manly? The only thing I can think of is hunting deer………………..with a tank. Bonus points if you do it while wearing a camouflaged lumberjack suit. Even more bonus points if you use the tank to run over Pete Wentz’s eye liner, which is conveniently located on his face.

Just downed a tall (23.5-ounce) can of AriZona Mucho Mango juice blend? Brace yourself. The sugar hit is 75 grams, not 25, as a glance at the label suggests. And the calorie hit is 360, not 120. That’s ‘cause one serving is only 8 ounces — you’re supposed to save the remaining two-thirds of the can for two more drinks.

My Thoughts: If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times………..”ditch the calorie containing beverages from your daily diet!” You never listen to me. It’s like I’m a ghost. And don’t even get me started on the fact that you never compliment me anymore. Did you notice my new haircut? Yeah, I didn’t think so. I hate you! Runs away crying

Sometimes you really need a cookie, right? Happily, the nutrition label on your favorite brand says 0 grams of both, fat and trans fat. That’s good enough that you can deal with the sugar guilt tomorrow, right? Sorry, but 0 doesn’t mean zero. It means less than 0.5 gram per serving. Sure, that’s not much — unless a serving is, say, two Snackwells Chocolate Mint cookies and by midnight you’ve finished the whole box.

My Thoughts: Another great example I like to use here is fat-free cooking spray. Most people will literally cake their pan with fat-free cooking spray, thinking that because the label says 0, it must be healthy. Think again. A serving size with most containers is 1/3 OF A SECOND; and there are roughly 550-570 servings per container. I’ve watched some people spray their pan for 10 seconds, which if we take the info given to us above, equates to approximately 10-15 grams of fat. Ten seconds equals 30 servings. 30 servings will elicit anywhere from 10-15 grams of fat (remember 0 really means 0.5 grams or less).


Maximum Strength

My good friend Eric Cressey just released his new book titled, Maximum Strength.

Maximum Strength

Do yourself a favor and buy this book. As the back of the cover states, “most of the 23 million American men who lift weights do so to get bigger; unfortunately, many of them are going nowhere with watered-down bodybuilding routines that don’t help them actually get stronger.”

I’ve long stated that if people focused more on strength and actually getting strong(er) that the aesthetics will follow. Start training more like an athlete, you may actually start to look like one. Weird how that works, huh?

In Maximum Strength you’ll get 16 full weeks of top notch programming that will not only get you a helluva lot stronger, but I’m willing to bet you’ll shed a significant amount of fat as well, and girls will be less repulsed by you. It’s a win-win situation.

Think of it this way – what you have been doing in the gym just isn’t working. Chances are you still have a spare tire around your mid-section and your bench press hasn’t increased since the last time David Hasslehoff was sober; which by my calculation was around 1994. Following a body-part per day split for three sets of ten is just going to keep leading to less than spectacular results. Not to mention you’ll still be weaker than a baby’s fart. Oh snap! Click here and thank me later.

Note: Eric was kind enough to include me in his acknowledgments page for his book. To celebrate my very first acknowledgment in a nationally published book, I’d like to give an acknowledgment to my acknowledgment:

Tony Gentilcore would like to thank the following individuals whose invaluable help and complete awesomeness made this acknowledgment possible: Optimus Prime, Sgt. Slaughter, Dirk Diggler, Kate Beckinsale, Papa Smurf, and that random chick whom I made out with at that party back in college. I don’t remember your name but I…….wait what? Okay, okay you called me out on it. We didn’t so much as make out as hold hands. Alright fine! We didn’t hold hands either, we just talked. And by “talked,” what I really mean is that I said hi and she rolled her eyes at me and laughed. God, I suck.


Monday Randomness

So my trip to Vegas was spectacular. Obviously I can’t tell you everything that happened in Vegas (***note the synopsis below), but suffice it to say a great time was had. Today is going to be completely random, so forgive the sporadic nature of this blog post.

1. In case no one caught it last week, I made my long awaited debut in the paper version of the Boston Herald. I was asked to review the “reality” show Workout on the Bravo network. About the only thing that’s “real” about this show is the fact that I am now dumber for having watched it.

2. Anyone who says you can’t eat healthy while traveling is kidding themselves. The people who say this are just too lazy to plan ahead and pack food ahead of time. The plane ride to Vegas was roughly five hours, so I knew that we had to pack food for the trip. Here’s the list of things that I brought with me on the plane: bag of beef jerky, one serving (1 oz) of mixed nuts, shaker bottle with 2 scoops of protein powder, and the pumpkin/protein pancakes my girlfriend made the night beforehand (which were delicious by the way). Despite what many think, you CAN eat healthy while traveling – You just need to put forth some effort.

3. How is it that a multi-BILLION dollar resort doesn’t have one barbell? We walked to several resorts in Vegas to check out the gyms and not one had a barbell. I remember listening to Colin Cowherd of ESPN Radio go on a rant about how hotels and resorts need to start putting more emphasis on updating their gyms. They have gold plated railings and toilets, but no barbells? What tha!

On an aside, thanks to Frank Butterfield of Las Vegas Athletic Club. I ended up going there instead, and he saw that I was training barefoot and told me that if someone from management approached me to put my shoes back on, to tell them that I was training with him. Frank has been in the industry for quite some time and knows a thing or two. He was also gracious enough to let me borrow his wrist straps. Thanks Frank!

4. I totally PWNED Nicholas Cage with my bicep.

Okay, I’m not fooling anyone. We visited Madame Tussaud’s world famous wax museum and I couldn’t resist posing for the camera. I also saw Paris Hilton and blurted “that’s hot” in my best Paris Hilton voice. And I have to say, that’s the hardest I have ever been punched in the face in my life by my girlfriend. Love you sugarbottoms!

5. Oh, I also had a new article published on t-nation last week titled, “Creating a Training Effect When You’re Injured.” Check it out.

***OMG!1!11! Boobies. Boobies everywhere.


Vegas, Baby!

Nothing witty to write today. I’m off to Vegas in literally 10 minutes and just wanted to say that I won’t be updating my blog till next week. Vegas is currently taking bets on whether or not I piss my pants during the plane ride. Also, if I happen to cross paths with Criss Angel, I’ll kick him in the shins.

A quick good luck goes out to Steph, who is running her second Boston Marathon today.



A Good Week for CP

It was a spectacular week for a few of our high school baseball players. Senior Sam Finn of defending Division I state champion Lincoln-Sudbury pitched a no-hitter with 13 strikeouts. Agonquin junior John McKenna threw a perfect game, which included 11 strikeouts. And Weston junior Sahil Bloom had 12 strikeouts in six innings in a tough loss while topping out at 91MPH with a few scouts in the stands. There really isn’t much I can add on top of what Eric Cressey wrote in his newsletter this week, other than to say that I am really proud of these guys.

Sahil was actually in the facility last night, deadlifting 315 lbs for reps (the day after a start). Both Sam and John will be in today and tomorrow respectively getting back to work. As Eric alluded to in his newsletter, it just goes to show what a solid training environment and a little attitude (along with some good coaching) can do for athletes.

You would think that with athletes from rival schools training alongside one another, we would have a West Side Story scenario with kids breaking off into choreographed knife fight dances (lead pipes optional). But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

These kids compete against one another on the baseball field, yet train together and push one another in the weight room. In fact, it’s not unheard of to hear about athletes attending each other’s games or coming in and asking us how “so and so” played the other day. To me, that’s pretty darn cool.


Women and Paperweights

A client of mine sent me an article that was featured on a few weeks ago highlighting local brides who are trying to get in shape for their upcoming nuptials later this year. It may come as a surprise when I tell you that I’m not going to bag on the article too much. I actually liked it and it did a great job explaining how training in groups can be more beneficial and fun for participants. However, as with most articles dealing with women and fitness, there always has to be the token picture that makes me want to throw a tomahawk into my skull.

Under the picture was the caption: “future brides and members of wedding parties endure grueling physical training to look their best.”

Since when is lifting a 2 lb dumbbell “grueling?” I can think of a million things that are more grueling, like, I don’t know, raking leaves or reading the back of a ketchup bottle.

I’ll never quite understand the rationale of some women. Many have children who weigh upwards of 50 lbs and they’re hoisting them all over the place. So why are they so reluctant to lift anything heavier than ten pounds in the weight room? Furthermore, some women have make-up bags that weigh more than those pink and purple dumbbells.

I’ve gone on rants in the past about this topic, so I won’t belabor the point here. Suffice it to say, lifting what’s equivalent to a paperweight does nothing except tell your body to keep as much muscle as it takes to accomplish the task at hand. Which in this case, isn’t much. End result, you’ll have a body that looks frail and weak. Not exactly the look one wants when they’re walking down the aisle with hundreds of eyes on them. Doesn’t Skeletor look amazing in that white dress! And look, Battle Cat is the ring bearer……how cute!


Do Your Push-Ups

Click the play button below and close your eyes.

” alt=”Terri Hatcher” />

I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t figure out if I was listening to a human being or an elephant giving birth to a mack truck. Poor Terri Hatcher.

And speaking of things that make your ears bleed, just the other day I overheard some personal trainer explain to his client that “you don’t need to train the core- doing heavy squats and deadlifts is all you’ll need.” While I applaud the fact that he’s advocating squats and deadlifts (that’s refreshing actually), to say that those two movements alone are all a trainee needs to train his or her “core” is a gross understatement.

Matter of fact, as Alwyn Cosgrove pointed out a few weeks ago in a presentation he was giving on “21st Century Fitness Programming,” push-ups are actually superior to squats and/or deadlifts in activating the rectus abdominus and external obliques. This according to a McBride, et al, 2006 unpublished study.

Push-ups tend to get thrown under-the-bus and deemed too easy or too wimpy to include in any programming. I often find this comical since most trainees I come across can’t even perform ten push-ups, let alone perform them correctly.

Push-ups are a staple in most of the programs that I write. I like the fact that push-ups are a closed chain movement (hands do not move) and allow for a bit more wiggle room for the scapulae (shoulder blades) to move. Conversely, bench press variations are considered open chained (hands move) and “fix” the scapulae into one position, which isn’t a great scenario for those with a history of shoulder issues. Side note: it’s been said that roughly 90% of all shoulder pathologies can be attributed to some form of dysfunction in the scapulae. I’ll often replace all benching with more rowing variations, and a healthy dose of push-ups.

And as Alwyn mentioned in his presentation, push-ups are also a great way to train the core. One of my favorite variations are band resisted push-ups:


Nancy and the Boys

This is Nancy last Saturday performing her squats to a 12 inch box. What’s cool about this video is the fact that it was Nancy’s first time using the “big wheels,” (AKA: the 45 lb plates). She started training at Cressey Performance earlier this year and up until that time, had never lifted a weight in her life. Now she’s banging out 135 lbs on her squats like it’s her J.O.B. And yes, I realize that the squats are a liiiittle high. It was her first time using the wheels, so cut her a break.

This is a woman who while on vacation a few weeks ago e-mailed me to let me know that she still trained while she was there and that she would be making it back in time for her training session later on that week; she didn’t want to miss it. I like using Nancy as an example because it just goes to show what a little attitude along with a kick-ass training environment can do for someone.

I mean the first day Nancy walked into the facility she was all about kittens and rainbows. Now she’s kicking homeless men in the teeth when they ask her for spare change and cussing like a sailor around the high school kids. Just the other day I had to send a note home with little Danny because he went home crying after Nancy called him a candy ass for not adding more weight to the bar. Sorry Mrs. Fisher!


Nutrition 4-1-1

Want to know how many calories are in that McDonald’s Big Mac or Starbuck’s Caramel Macchiato before ordering? Next time you’re standing in line at your favorite chain restaurant, use your cell phone to text “diet1” with the name of the restaurant and menu item. Within seconds,’s “Nutrition on the Go” service will send you a reply listing the calories, total fat, carbohydrate, and protein in the requested food. Then you can decide if your midday snack is worth the calories before chowing down!

This is actually a cool idea and something I think may catch on in the near future. With many chain restaurants like McDonald’s and Burger King reluctant to display nutritional information on their menu boards, it’s nice to see that consumers do have options. And this couldn’t come at a better time. A few weeks ago, the NY Daily News reported:

Think fast food joints will post calories on their menus next week? Fat chance.

The city Health Department Thursday delayed a plan that would require chains to post calorie counts on menu boards starting Monday.

The requirement was pushed back to April 15 to give courts time to decide whether the city law is legal. The New York State Restaurant Association has sued to block the plan.

Of course they sued to block the plan. They don’t want people to know what they’re really eating; although it’s not like it’s some secret that a Big Mac isn’t good for you. Shrugs.

Nevertheless, I think “Nutrition on the Go” is a pretty good idea. Although I have to say, my cell phone has a bit of a temper. Yesterday I tried to use it to get info on a meatball sub I wanted to order and it broke a beer bottle over its head and challenged me to a knife fight. It doesn’t like it when I cheat. Dude is crazy.


You’re at work right now sitting in front of your computer trying to look busy. You spent the morning checking out chicks on Facebook and afterwards you finally achieved level 6 rogue status on World Warcraft which means you can finally increase the damage of your next spell and use your Mystic Knight, who coincidentally, has an invisible cloak+1. I have no idea what that means, but I’m about 90% sure girls are totally going to want to hang out with you now. Fist pump!

So now it’s mid-afternoon and you’re supposed to be working on those TPS Reports. However you just received a Google alert from all the blogs that you subscribe to, and now it’s time to get caught up. Today’s blog is exciting because we officially launched the Cressey Performance website. Check it out:

I have to say that the site is pretty bad ass. Although, I’m kinda miffed. My bio was supposed to include the fact that I speak two languages; English and Ewok. Sorry ladies, I’m already taken.

Nonetheless, check out the site and spread the word.

Note: No, we won’t stoop so low as to include pictures of Jessica Alba in a bathing suit to increase site traffic. How unprofessional do you think we are? She’s pregnant and engaged for crying out loud. Jessica Biel is fair game though.