CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 1/10/20

Copyright: olegdudko / 123RF Stock Photo


(Things I’ve appeared in, places I’m going, you know, important stuff)

1. (De)-Constructing the Deadlift & Squat – Stoneham, MA: Sunday, January 26, 2020

I’m teaming up with Brad Cox of ACUMobility for this 6-hour workshop where we’ll discuss hip assessment and, you guessed it…

keto recipes deadlifts and squats.

What will be unique about this workshop is the two perspectives we’ll bring to the table; myself as a strength coach in addition to Brad’s background in sports medicine and orthopedics.

EARLY BIRD rate ends in two weeks.

2. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Athens, Greece: Saturday, Feb 29th & Sunday, March 1st, 2020

It’s official: This marks the sixth year in a row Dean Somerset and I are presenting together. We’re so excited to be coming to Athens to kickstart 2020.

3. Coaching Competency Workshop – London, UK: Sunday, March 8, 2020

4. Strategic Strength Workshop – Detroit, MI: April 5, 2020

This will be my first ever workshop in the region!

I’m expecting ticker tape parades.





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Barking Up the Wrong Tree. . We coaches do it a lot. Take for example new clients who come in and swear up and down they’ve got “tight” hamstrings. . I swear a week doesn’t go by where I don’t hear it. What’s with the pandemic of tight hamstrings everywhere you go? . Well, tight hamstrings is rarely a thing I’ve come to find. This, of course, doesn’t imply people never have tight hamstrings – they do! . It’s just, you know, I’d believe Tupac is alive living on some deserted island more than I believe someone has chronically tight hamstrings. . Look at the before/after pictures above. . This was a new client who came in to see me last weekend who, as you can surmise, told me he had tight hamstrings. . I was skeptical (I.e., cue me going all Beyoncé, Lemonade, baseball bat to a windshield……nooooooooo). . 📸 TOP PIC = Initial Active Straight Leg Raise. Not too shabby, but not great. . 📸 BOTTOM PIC = One minute later after NOT stretching his hamstrings (which he had been doing for years). . I concede he’s bending his knee ever so slightly, but you can clearly see an improvement in his ROM. . What did I do? . I worked on his end range ACTIVE HIP FLEXION. I mean, that’s really what the screen looks at: simultaneous hip Flexion/hip extension; not necessarily hamstring length. . In non-geek speak: I had him actively (meaning HE did the work) bring his bent knee towards his chest (hip flexion) and work on ramping up intensity to “own” the position. . Moving forward, we’re going to do more of that rather than endless stretching. . 🥱 Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz . Swipe LEFT to watch a quick video of how you can test and work on this yourself. . Even though we have to work on stuff, the more you make “rehab” look and feel like TRAINING, the more I find clients buy into it.

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Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work

Diastasis Recti After Pregnancy – Zach Long

If you’re a trainer 50% (actually, maybe it’s 51%) of the population you train are women. A vast number of them will give birth and have “complications” postpartum.

And even if they haven’t recently given birth, once a woman is postpartum she’s ALWAYS postpartum and knowing how to detect and address Distastis Recti is integral.

Increase Your Bench Press By Avoiding These Mistakes – Avi Silverberg

I am admittedly the world’s worst bench presser (countered by the mere fact I am one of the world’s best cuddlers), so I was flummoxed with I was asked to contribute a snidbit to this article.

Just a snidbit, though.

Let’s not get carried away.

This is an excellent article nonetheless and if you’re someone who struggles with their bench press this may help.

Scare Tactics – Michelle Boland

The words we use as coaches/trainers matters.

When someone says something like “deadlifts are dangerous,” most of the time it means the person saying it hasn’t done it enough (or with appropriate technique) to perform it safely in the first place.

Just sayin…


Appearance on the Movement Fix Podcast

There was a time – from 2007-2015 to be exact, my coaching years at Cressey Sports Performance – where I listened to a lot books on cd as well as podcasts.

I had a 45-60 minute commute both ways and used that time to try to make myself smarter. In the years since, however, there aren’t many shows I listen to, because now my commute is an eight minute walk.

Nevertheless, one show that I do listen to is The Movement Fix Podcast hosted by a friend of mine, Dr. Ryan DeBell.

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Creating a Positive Training Environment

I had the opportunity to make my second appearance on Ryan’s show recently where we discussed, amongst other things:

  • How to create a positive training environment for your clients.
  • How I’m building a gym where other fitness professionals/coaches can thrive and build their own brand(s) and business(es).
  • Work-life balance of growing a business and growing a family.

You can listen to the episode below:

Or, if you prefer, you can also download the episodes:

HERE (Stitcher – Episode #122)

HERE (Apple)

HERE (Podbean)

Categoriespersonal training

5 Reasons You Aren’t Getting the Results You Want in the Gym

Today’s guest post comes courtesy of Syracuse, NY based personal trainer/strength coach, Ricky Kompf1

If you lift weights as your main mode of exercise you’re bound to experience ruts that can be frustrating, and there are many factors to consider. 

Ricky weighs in (<— see what I just did there?) on several things to consider on why you may not be seeing the fruits of your labor.


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5 Reasons You Aren’t Getting the Results You Want

This is a constant battle everyone interested in getting fitter or healthier deals with: You start working out a lot, you get a lot of initial gains in your strength, speed, power, endurance and overall performance, and you think “Wow this is awesome!”

You continue to work out the same way and over time you stop getting results. Or, at the very least, progress takes a major nose dive.

You’ve hit a plateau.

This is one of the hardest things to overcome. Many people give up, stop being as motivated, and try to work harder, but crash and burn, leaving a bad taste in their mouth because they aren’t getting the gains they were before.

Sound like you?


Let’s be clear with one thing, reaching peak performance is a marathon not a sprint.

To get past sticking points in your program it will require you to look at your daily actions much more deeply. It will force you to painfully analyze the things you’re really not good at.  As long as you can approach this with an open mind of getting better you’ll be able to push through your plateaus.

What follows are the top 5 things I’ve found to be the leading reasons why most people fail at attaining the results they want. Read them over, ponder, let them marinate, and then let’s get to work.

1. You’re Training Too Hard

Believe it or not, there is a such thing as training too hard.

Not that it will always result in “overtraining” but it can and absolutely will result in diminishing rate of returns in the gym.

At a micro level your body can only recover from so much stress on a daily basis and if you consistently go above that threshold every day you’re not going to recover and become stronger. The stronger you become the more likely this can happen.

It’s called the Law of Supercompensation and it helps you to achieve the results that you want.

When you first workout your body becomes weaker, and after you eat, sleep and give you body time to recover you become stronger as an adaption to prevent damage to the body.

Your body literally adapts so you don’t die.

As you continue to ramp up the stimulus of training your body needs more time to recover, or it needs to optimize its ability to recover.

If you fail to allow either to happen the body will stop recovering to baseline and you’ll be in a constant state of fatigue.

Fatigue will mask your true fitness level.

Going into the weeds on this topic with a simple blog post is impossible, but the idea here is to champion RECOVERY. Your results in the gym are directly proportional to how well you allow yourself to recover.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I can sit here and wax poetic on the importance of sleep, proper hydration, and ensuring ample calories to support your training but…



NOTE: All there are THE most important factors to consider when discussing recovery. I just know most people tend to black out or lose interest when anyone starts to discuss topics.

One of the best ways to ensure ample recovery and to prevent plateaus in the gym is to “lean into” the ebbs and flows of training volume. Some days/weeks should be hard, some days/weeks should be easy, some days/weeks should be right in the middle (what I like to call Goldilocks days), and then, yes, some days should absolutely make you hate your fucking life.

Here’s an excellent video via Chad Wesley Smith of Juggernaut Training outlining the concept:


2. You’re Not Training Hard Enough

This seems to be an obvious one but it’s very common for someone to get stuck into a routine doing the same thing every time they go to the gym, operate at the same level of intensity, and do the same weights every…single…day.

Your body is very good at adapting to what you do on a regular basis and if you continue to do the same thing day in and day out your body will become so efficient at it that, not only will you stop seeing results, but you actually may begin to regress.

Your body needs novel stimuli that it’s not used to, and you need to change the intensity of your workouts on a regular basis.

If you program calls for you to perform an exercise for eight repetitions and when you’re done you could have completed eight more, you’re not training hard enough…

…and you’re likely seeing sub-optimal results.

I always like to tell people you should leave 1-2 reps in the tank after each set. This tends to be a nice compromise because

  • You’ll ensure good technique with each rep.
  • You’ll still be lifting an appreciable amount of weight in order to elicit an adaptive response from the body
  • And lastly, to piggy back from above, you’ll ensure ample recovery between workouts

Figuring out how much weight you should be using can be a bit of a quagmire.

THIS post from Tony should help those of you who need a little direction.

3. You Have Too Many Daily Stressors

Your body recognizes all stressors as the same thing, and when you have too many stressors – good or bad – it will influence your recovery and results.

These stressors can include: working out, a lack of sleep, fighting ninjas, financial stress, friends and significant other, sick kid, your boss is an asshole, and everything and anything in between.

If it feels like the stress is piling up chances are you won’t be recovering very well either.

Maybe taking a day or two off from working out is what’s needed. However, I recognize that for a lot of people heading to the gym on a daily basis IS stress relief. To that end, maybe something like a Bloop, Bloop, Bloop workout is in the cards?

Meditation is lovely idea.

Or, I don’t know, maybe try some yoga.

Try Neghar Fonooni’s Wildfire Yoga (I.e., yoga for meatheads) which provides a plethora of quick 10-20 minutes “yoga flows” that’ll help declutter your mind but also loosen up that pesky piriformis that’s been nagging you for years.

The idea is that you don’t always need go full-boar, DEFCON 1, OMG-this-workout-was-so-awesome-I-can’t-feel-the-right-side-of-my-face.

If daily stress is high, temper your workouts accordingly.

4. You Need to Change the Focus of Your Program

Many people fall victim to this.

Humans are creature of habit and if something worked in the past, it stands to reason it’ll work today, tomorrow, next week, next year, next decade, you get the idea.

Whether it’s strength training, being a cardio bunny, or going on a bodybuilder body part split…

…everything works until it doesn’t work.

The answer to your past problems – when overdone – will be the source of your new issues. 

This is why having a basic understanding of periodization and focusing on different qualities of strength and fitness at different times is so important.

This means taking time to have phases where your main focus is strength, or Hypertrophy, or endurance, or power/speed, or just having better movement.

Change the focus of your program so you can be well rounded and avoid plateaus.

Progress feeds more progress.

5. Do More of What You Suck At

Stop always doing what you’re good at or what you’re familiar with.

If you write your own programs you’ll inevitably lean towards those exercises you’re comfortable with and good at. If you’ve always had a straight bar deadlift and a barbell back squat in your program, I have news for you…

…you don’t need either of them to be strong and get awesome results.


The body doesn’t know what a deadlift or a squat is.

All that happens is a stimulus and an adaptation to the stimulus.

If the stimulus is the same all the time, the adaptation will be less and less significant. Change your variations, go from a straight bar deadlift to a trap bar deadlift, use specialty bars, use accommodating resistance with bands and chains, use eccentrics and isometrics in your training.


There’re so many things you can change or tweak in your program; the options are endless!

Here’s a list of things you can change to create a different stimulus and continue to allow your body to make adaptation:

  1. Use eccentric and isometrics to limit mechanical stress and master movement of your lifts
  2. Use chains and bands to overload the top of your lifts, mimic the strength curve, and teach acceleration in your lifts
  3. Use specialty bars to change the lift slightly and work on weaknesses
  4. Change your rest periods
  5. Use unilateral exercises as your main lift (ie, Bulgarian split squats, reverse lunges, single arm presses, etc)

About the Author

Ricky Kompf is the head coach/owner of Kompf Training Systems where we work primarily with team sport athletes like baseball, football, lacrosse and basketball.

He’s also a Head Trainer for a corporation for Bankers Heath Care.

You can give him a follow on Instagram HERE.

You can check him out on Twitter HERE.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 1/3/20

Copyright: olegdudko / 123RF Stock Photo


(Things I’ve appeared in, places I’m going, you know, important stuff)

1. (De)-Constructing the Deadlift & Squat – Stoneham, MA: Sunday, January 26, 2020

I’m teaming up with Brad Cox of ACUMobility for this 6-hour workshop where we’ll discuss hip assessment and, you guessed it…

…deadlifts and squats.

What will be unique about this workshop is the two perspectives we’ll bring to the table; myself as a strength coach in addition to Brad’s background in sports medicine and orthopedics.

2. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Athens, Greece: Saturday, Feb 29th & Sunday, March 1st, 2020

It’s official: This marks the sixth year in a row Dean Somerset and I are presenting together. We’re so excited to be coming to Athens to kickstart 2020.

3. Coaching Competency Workshop – London, UK: Sunday, March 8, 2020





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New Exercise Alert. . I like simple, non-flashy exercises that don’t take ten minutes to set up, or require a PhD to perform. . I stole this from @gnrobins of @thestrengthhouse . . Like any single leg variation it does a superb job at challenging balance, hip/core stability, and makes a small part of your soul weep. . The key, however, is the COIL (or added rotation of the torso). We’re accustomed to exercises which have us go up/down, forward and back… . …we rarely incorporate transverse plane. Or, rather, “owning” sagittal & frontal plane while adding a transverse flavor. . I love how this exercise feels, and the added hip IR in the lead leg feels divine. . NOTE: If you’re someone with FAI (Femoral Acetabular Impingement) you’re likely better off jumping into a shark’s mouth. . That said, for everyone else – and in particular, for those with SI joint issues, where added rotation can often be beneficial – this drill is a wonderful tweak & change of pace.

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Is BODYPUMP a Good Workout? – Brandon Hall

I was asked to contribute to this piece and feel it does a fantastic job explaining what BODYPUMP is and who it may (or may not) be a good fit for.

This may be a nice article to print out and hand to any friends or family members who are gung-ho this time of year and ready to start exercising.

READ: It’s NOT a take down piece.

Box Jumps: 6-Phase Jumping and Landing Progression – Nick Tumminello

I always appreciate Nick’s approach to training and willingness to keep things simple.

This was a fantastic breakdown on how to properly execute the box jump (I.e., NOT high box jumps).

The 30 Most Effective RDL Variations for Strength & Spine Health – Garrett Sawaia

Like, whoa.

This was an EPIC article.



My Half-Hearted Attempt at Helping You Succeed With Your Health and Fitness Resolutions in 2020

It’s a new year.

Nay, a new decade.

And with it comes the inevitable avalanche of fitness professionals giving advice on how to make your New Year’s Resolutions “stick.”

This isn’t quite one of those posts.

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Don’t get me wrong: I think it’s great many people use this time of year to renew their goals, use it as an opportunity to rejuvenate themselves and kickstart a healthier lifestyle, and/or otherwise press the refresh button.

  • You’re finally going to purchase that gym membership? Great.
  • Okay, you’re intrigued by this whole Vegan thing? Fantastic.
  • You’re going to make a concerted effort to get more sleep and drink less caffeine and more water? Lovely.
  • You’re gonna start taking CBD oil to help manage your anxiety and diabetes, curtail inflammation, and help you beat Jason Bourne in a fist fight? Cool.2.

But honestly, part of my soul is dying that I’m taking time to write a “resolution post” in the first place.

It’s so cliche.

I mean, what’s next? Me posting a picture of me smiling to the camera while draping my arms over a barbell in the squat rack to make my arms look bigger?

Pfffft, whatever.

What could I possibly say or do (from the internet) to inspire people to not be a statistic and stick with their New Year’s Resolutions past next week?

Well, thankfully, my good friend, and non-sexual life partner, Dean Somerset, wrote a bang-up post on his Facebook page the other day doing just that.

It’s short and sweet and provides a ton of actionable context.

Check it out HERE.


I don’t want to come across as a complete curmudgeon, however.

I recognize my words have some power in the industry and I wanted to take a few moments to share a quick example of how, when the time comes (and it WILL come), when you want to quit or cheat a workout, what you can do to re-frame your train of thought

As you embark on your fitness journey it’s unavoidable you’ll encounter days you’ll want to skip or give up altogether.

Who needs to workout when you can binge watch The Witcher on Netflix?

This feeling is normal.

Hell, I’ve been lifting weights since I was 13 (at this point it’s part of my DNA) and have made my living telling people to do the same since 2002, and even I have days I’d rather jump into the depth of Mordor than look at a dumbbell.

Too, sometimes I’ll be in the middle of a workout, exhausted, or just not feeling it that day, and think to myself, “I really don’t want to do this next exercise/set/finisher/what-have-you.”

I’m going home.

Yes, it’s true. Despite our best efforts to portray otherwise on social media…

…even us fitness pros succumb to epic cases of the “Fuck It’s.”

Honestly, it’s okay and a perfectly acceptable human emotion.

And sometimes you should give in to it. A day or two (or three) off from the gym isn’t going to be the end of the world and often begets better and more productive subsequent workouts.

However, and this is my inner Captain Obvious coming straight at you…

…this shouldn’t be a regular thing.

Whether you want to call it grit, resiliency, or mettle, there’s a lot to be said about sticking to the plan and building upon that base of consistency. Instead, and using myself as an example, when these thoughts enter my mind, I’ll acknowledge them and let them metabolize, but then take a page from my wife, Dr. Lisa Lewis, and do a slight re-frame.

Instead of quitting the exercise/set/workout or cheating I’ll think to myself:

“Okay, here comes the tough part. This is what I want. I’m about to get stronger, more diesel, and/or altogether more badass. My wife is totally going to want to make out with me when she sees these pecs.”

I don’t beat myself up for thinking the negative thoughts.

Again, it’s normal.

You do it, I do it, I suspect Tom Brady does it, we all do it.

I’ll allow the thoughts to happen, to ruminate for several seconds, but then I’ll set the re-frame, turn the page, and complete my set/workout.

The mind-trick works.

It could be used for other, non-lifting goals too. Embrace the power of the re-frame.

Do it. DO IT.


Best Resources of the Year 2019

If you missed the other 2019 year in review posts you can check them out below:

Best Articles of 2019 – Readers’ Picks

Best Articles of 2019 – My Picks

Best Articles of 2019 – Guest Posts

Best Exercises You Should Be Doing 2019

And, lastly, I wanted to take today to mention the best resources of 2019 as highlighted by yours truly. As the saying goes, “those who invest in themselves invest wisely.”

I don’t know, I just made that up.

But it kinda sounds like something someone smart would say.

Thanks again for your continued support and readership, and here’s to a splendid start to 2020 and a new decade!

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Best Resources of the Year 2019

FULL DISCLOSURE: I released two products this past calendar (<–I still can never spell this word right the first time) year that I’m very proud of and am going to highlight first.

Because, you know, it’s all about me, me, me, ME!

(Even) More Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint


This was the second iteration of mine and Dean Somerset’s flagship resource.

(Even More) CSHB builds upon the material covered in version 1.0, but delves a little deeper into program design and exercise execution.

If you’re at all interested in both shoulder & hip health and performance, we’ve got all your bases covered here.

The Complete Trainers’ Toolbox


This resource is targeted towards fitness professionals to help grow their businesses and brands and covers a gamut of topics from the likes of myself, Dean Somerset, Meghan Callaway, Dr. Lisa Lewis,  Dr. Sarah Duvall, Sam Spinelli, Alex Kraszewski, Luke Worthington, and Kellie Davis.

Ultimate Landmine Program – Meghan Callaway

I thought I thought of every exercise possible to execute with the Landmine (also referred to as the Angled Bar) apparatus, but then I read Meghan’s book and thought less of myself.

Meghan’s brain works differently than mine and she really went out of her way to create a lovely resource for fitness professionals (and non-fitness professionals) to use and refer to for some added Landmine motivation.

The program is pretty legit too!

Complete Coaching Certification – Mike Robertson


Mike is a long-time friend of mine who’s affinity for 90’s hop-hip is equal if not surpasses mine.

That’s saying a lot.

He’s also one of the coaches in the industry I respect the most, and I am always in awe of how he can simplify the most complex topics and make them more palatable for the masses.

There’s no other way to put this…

this certification…is…the…shit.

MASS Research Review

I’d rather listen to Baby Shark on repeat for a week straight than read research articles.

I looooooove this resource so much because it keeps me up-to-date on the latest research on how to get strong and jacked, but I don’t have to interpret Klingon in order to understand it

CategoriesExercises You Should Be Doing

2019 Best Exercises You Should Be Doing

More appropriately this should be titled 2019 Best Exercises (I Stole From Other Coaches) You Should Be Doing.

Nevertheless, I shared a bevy of (new to me) exercises in 2019 that garnered some interest on social media. Here are the ones that received the most traction.

Be sure to click the links so you can not only watch see the exercises in action, but also learn the why’s, key coaching cues, and, more importantly, to see how jacked I am.

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2019 Best Exercises You Should Be Doing

Anti-Flexion Squat

I love squat and find a lot of valuing in them.

But they don’t ALWAYS have to be loaded heavy in order to reap the benefits.

Wall Press Single Leg RDL

This was the most shared exercises of 2019.

Angled Landmine Reverse Lunge

It never ceases to amaze me the versatility of the Landmine apparatus.

Hollow Position Hold Pull-Up

I didn’t just highlight LOWER body movements this past year…;o)

Here’s a lovely way to progress the pull-up from the floor.

Goblet Split Squat w/ COIL

I posted this one just last week and it received a great response.

CategoriesExercises You Should Be Doing

Best Articles of the Year 2019: Guest Posts

The week between Christmas and New Year’s I like to highlight a select number of articles featured on my site during the past 365 days.

First up were the the articles that resonated with you, the reader, as defined by analytics and what piqued your interest…HERE.

Next up were the articles that resonated with me and filled my writer’s love tank…HERE.

Today I’d like to direct your attention to the best GUEST POSTS of 2019.

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Best Articles of  2019: Guest Posts

The State of Corrective Fitness 2019 – Kevin Mullins

This was FOUR part series DC based personal trainer, Kevin Mullins, wrote for the site that, if I were to be honest, is very much a Ken Burns’esque masterpiece.

IntroThe State of Corrective Fitness

Part ICorrecting the Shoulders

Part IICorrecting the Lower Back and Hips

Part IIICorrecting the Knees and Ankles

Individualizing Your Squat Stance – Sam Spinelli

Not everyone is meant to squat the same way or utilize the same variations. Here’s how to figure that shit out (my words, not Sam’s).

The Road to Recovery is Paved With More Training –  Michael Gregory

“Just rest” just isn’t going to cut it for most people.

What Makes an Athlete Fast? – Ricky Kompf

HINT: It’s not endless agility ladders drills and weekend speed camps.

The Lost Art of Adult Play – Shane McLean

As we grow older our fitness tends to get more and more robotic in nature. We sit in machines, performing endless, mindless repetitions, all while perusing our smart phones.

Shane showcases some ways to be less of a health/fitness zombie.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Best Articles of the Year 2019: My Picks

Earlier this week I highlighted the best articles of 2019 as indicated by web traffic and what resonated with you, my loyal readers.

In case you missed it you can check it out HERE.

Today, however, I’d like to point your direction towards MY picks. Because, you know, I’m awesome.

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Best Articles of 2019: My Picks

An Open Letter to New Fitness Professionals

Don’t worry, my advice doesn’t include a Van Damme punch to the mid-section…;o)

How to Get Your Clients to Work Harder

HINT: It doesn’t involve incorporating exercises pictured above.

You’re Probably Not Broken

I think the fitness industry has gotten a bit complacent of late and regurgitated words like “broken” or “dysfunction” in order to 1) make themselves sound smarter than they really are and 2) to “trick” (potential) clients into trusting them.

It’s a bunch of foo-foo nonsense.

Yeah, that’s right, I see foo-foo.

Achieving a Goal vs. Achieving Success: My Take

We often get enamored with goals.

They’re important and a crucial component of attaining our health/fitness/life goals. However, achieving SUCCESS and understanding that that feeling is all around us in unexpected places is just as important; if not more so.

Dangers of the Discount Trainer

There’s a time and place for everything (except another Michael Bay Transformers movie), including discounting your pricing as personal trainer.

I’d caution against making it a regular practice, though.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Best Articles of the Year 2019: Readers’ Picks

While 2019 saw me writing less due to a multitude of factors (travel, gym expansion shenanigans, fighting crime, and life) it was still a very successful year on the content front.

Here are the most popular posts from the past trip around the sun based off web traffic.

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Best of 2019 – Readers’ Picks

The Anti-Highlight Reel 

Social media has allowed us to magnify our wins and highlights, almost to uncanny levels of eye rolling. In this post, however, I highlight my FAILS.

Alignment Affects ROM

Before we have a discussion on what to smash, thrash, and otherwise demolish when we see a mobility deficit lets pump the brakes and emphasize ALIGNMENT.

Individualizing Your Squat Stance

The Dubious D Word of the Fitness Industry

Douche? No.

Detox? Nope.

Dick pic? Uhhh, nada.  Although, this is an obvious no-no.

It’s “dysfunction” and why we should make a better effort in not using it in front of our clients.

One Simple Piece of Advice for Fit Pros to Consider in 2019: Put Your Clothes On

I entered curmudgeon territory with this post.

Meh, get off my lawn.

Get Your Hips Nice-n-Juicy Prior to Your Lower Body Workout

A quick, expedited warm-up to do before your killer squat and/or deadlift session.