The concept is simple: to inspire people to take action on living the healthy life they deserve. Mitch sits down with guests to discuss habits, fitness, diet, and overall happiness.
I was fortunate enough to be one of those guests.
You can download our conversation via iTunes HERE (episode #64)
I’ve been woefully vacant with writing content of late, and I am so sorry.
Life. Is. Busy.
As I type these words I’m sitting in Logan Airport waiting for my flight to Philly where I’ll be speaking at the Mid-Atlantic NSCA Conference this weekend.
Who ever thought that having a 10-month old cruising around the apartment would be time consuming?
All of this isn’t to imply I haven’t been busy in other avenues of fitness. Last week I was invited back onto the Cut the S#!t Get Fit Podcast with host Rafal Matuszewski.
This time, though, there was a special circumstance.
I was part of a DOUBLE GUEST episode alongside my man Lee Boyce.
We had a blast.
We spent the first 15 or so minutes catching up and discussing our favorite movies and tv shows of 2017. You know, important shit that any fitness podcast would want to cover.
But after that we get into the nitty gritty particulars of lifting heavy things and just go off.
So sit back, relax, and listen to the succulent sounds of strength & conditioning’s version of Ebony and Ivory.
I hope everyone is enjoying their Labor Day weekend, and more specifically their Labor Day. I’m taking it easy today hanging with the family and catching up on life: Trader Joe’s, laundry, and Mystery Science Theater 3000 on Netflix.
It’s amazing.
I wanted to share with you a recent podcast I recorded on Breaking Muscle.
If you’re enjoying the holiday and are at the beach with headphones or have the worst boss ever and you’re stuck at work and want to pass the time/try not to whack him (or her) ever the head with a stapler…give this a listen.
For starters, I get a nice stroke to my ego. I mean, who doesn’t like talking about themselves for 30-60 minutes?
Second, and less-douchey of a reason, I consider it an honor every time someone reaches out to invite me on their show. It doesn’t matter to me if they have 10,000 listeners, a 100, or even 10…unless the show is titled Deadlifts Are Stupid or, I don’t know, The Tony Gentilcore Has a Small Penis Show I’m probably going to say yes and make an appearance.
Recently I was invited onto the Barenaked Health Podcast with Nick Horowski.
Cool factoid: Nick reached out by linking to a personalized video he made of himself walking somewhere (it looked like it was a baseball field) with his toddler strapped to his back. He had some nice things to say and mentioned how’d he’d love to have me on his show.
It was a nice touch.
How could I say no?
We discussed a lot of things: what “strength” is, why it’s okay to say “I don’t know” or to even change your mind on things, the absurd notion that deadlifts are dangerous for everyone, and I’m sure we snaked in some Star Wars references to boot.
I had the pleasure of being asked to come onto the 18STRONG Podcast recently.
It’s not lost on me I was asked to appear on a show focusing on golf. I mean, I can count on one hand the total number of times I’ve actually played a round.3
It’s analogous to me being asked to come onto a show discussing French cuisine, or, I don’t know, knife fighting skills.
I may not be able to sniff par, but I do know how to train rotational athletes. And, while my strong suit is in baseball, you’d be surprised how many parallels there are between that and golf in terms of movement, the unique demands placed on and required by the body, and wanting to light your face on fire from frustration.
For what it’s worth I do train a fair share of recreational golfers here in Boston. Almost all of them need to work on improving T-spine and hip mobility, core stability, in addition to just getting stronger in general.
Correct movement from the right areas + Strength + Improved force production = 40 yds on your opening drive, easy…..;o)
Show Highlights:
Tony’s thoughts on the deadlift. There is a lot of conflicting information about whether deadlifts are good or bad for you, which we get into.
Some dos and don’ts of deadlifts that everyone should be taking into account. There are a number of ways to approach it, and every person is going to be different depending on their skill, age, available equipment etc.
Why back pain is most often not related to your back. It is more likely to be a problem with another part of the body not ‘doing its job’, and the back has to pick up the slack.
The importance of lifting heavy. Getting stronger is going to help with a lot of problems to do with injuries and overall fitness. Lifting big weights may cause injury if done incorrectly, but being weak can be more problematic. This absolutely applies to golf, as 18 holes can cause a fair amount of strain on the body.
Some of the crossovers between baseball players and golfers, from a training perspective. There are some surprising similarities which we get into.
Some tips for people with poor posture and how to fix them. The really important parts to train for posture, are your backside muscles. Glutes, erectors, hamstrings etc. These are the muscles that are most affected from sitting down all day.
How much time people should be spending in the gym each week. Tip: at least 3 days/week of strength training. Consistency is key.
Episode 148: Why Golfers Should Lift Heavy Things
Listen below or you can also download on iTunes HERE.
If you’re like me, you hate listening to the sound of your own voice. For me it ranks somewhere between nails scratching a chalkboard and a whale passing a kidney stone.
Not pleasant.
Which is to say: I get invited onto a number of podcasts each month to talk about training, deadlifts, and LOLcats, and I rarely (if ever), re-listen to any episode I appear on.
This isn’t to say I don’t believe I had anything good or insightful to say, or that I wasn’t entirely witty or downright charming.
Of course I was….;o)
However, it’s just, you know, listening to the sound of my own voice is equivalent to this:
I had a recent appearance on the StrongCast Podcast with Vidura Rajapaksa. He sent me a heads up the other day that my episode went live and out of curiosity I pressed “play.”
I don’t know what it was: the fact it was the first podcast I recorded without my braces, it was a Thursday, I don’t know…..but I sounded amazing.
It was as if Adele took over my vocal chords once I started breaking down individual anatomy variances and squat depth.
Okay, in all seriousness, I had a blast recording this episode and if you’re sitting there stuck at your desk or maybe in transit to work or home and want some time to kill give it a listen.
In case you missed it last week, you can check out Part I of my appearance on the Push Pull Legs PodcastHERE.
Part II was released yesterday. Here the guys (Tom Hall and Daniel Meek) and I discuss the business of personal training, whether or not to offer freebies or discounts, and Star Wars. Because, Star Wars.
All in all, that’s about 90 minutes of my smooth, silky voice. Or the equivalent of two Game of Thrones episodes. Totally worth it.
It’s always a great feeling to be in demand. I’ve been very fortunate to get to a point in my career where people will seek me out to listen to me talk. 4
Just last night my wife and I sat down at our dinner table to hash out a trip to Europe this summer. I’ve had several places reach out and ask if we’d be interested in doing our Strong Body-Strong Mind workshop over there. You may be seeing the Gentilewis clan in Ireland, London, Denmark, and/or Warsaw. That’s pretty cool.5
Also, mine and Dean Somerset’s ongoing globe-trotting shoulders & hips bromance continues in Vancouver this coming April. Stay tuned for more dates in the future. I.e., here’s looking at you Orlando, FL.
More to the point is that I continuously get invited onto different podcasts each month. This is great as it allows me an opportunity to expand my brand, reach different audiences, and not wear pants.
Recently I was invited onto the Push, Pull, Legs Podcast.
Dan Meek and Tom Hall are two chaps I’ve had the pleasure of meeting in person (they’ve both attended workshops I’ve done in London) and are also two very accomplished coaches over in the UK.
You can check out Part I of my appearance HERE on iTunes or listen below:
The only way you could possibly name a podcast more suited for my personality would be if you named it “The Deadlift Show” or, I don’t know “Dead Animal Flesh is Delicious Show.”
Nevertheless, it was a pleasure to be invited onto the show (which, coincidentally, has had several other esteemed guests such as Dan John, Krista Scott-Dixon, George Fear, and Jordan Syatt, to name a few).
Rafal and I discussed several topics, including fat-loss specific training (my take on it is a bit different than most), training for women, and my experience taking the Pinnertest.
It’s a short and sweet interview – 50 minutes – and is perfect if you’re looking to pass a little time today if you’re driving, at work, or stuck on public transit. Or if you just like listening to my voice, that’s cool too.
It’s a HUGE fitness industry weekend this weekend in Boston. For starters the Cressey Sports Performance Fall seminar is going down, which is always an industry gold standard. In addition, lead unicorns Mark Fisher and Michael Keeler, of Mark Fisher Fitness, will be at AMP Fitness to put on their Inside the Unicorn 2-day workshop.
I basically ended up flipping a coin as to which one I was going to attend this weekend. The unicorns won.6
Needless to say many a fitness pro are making their way to Boston this weekend, and I suspect the likelihood of a dead-animal flesh shortage to be pretty high.
Also, and forgive me for the lame transition here, before I jumped into this week’s list of stuff to read I wanted to remind everyone that Dean Somerset and I will be in Minneapolis, MN the weekend of October 15th putting on our Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint workshop.
We’ll be at Movement Minneapolis and you can find out more details HERE. Hope to see you there.
Brian Patrick Murphy (or BPM) is a rare human being. Never have I met someone who is so genuine and full of zest than he. He’d hug everyone’s heart if he could.
It’s really hard – like, really hard – in our current political and social chaos (for lack of a better term) to remember that we’re all “in this” together, and that there is much more good and decency in this world than vitriol and hate.
I love how this woman thinks (and writes). Thanks for writing this Kelly.
Align Therapy Podcast – Aaron Alexander
I had the pleasure of being invited onto the Align Therapy Podcast with Aaron Alexander recently. If you’re bored at work today or maybe need something to drown out a certain orange skinned Presidential candidate, give THIS a listen….;o)
Most often about deadlifts and stuff, but I’ll usually sneak in a Star Wars reference or two (or eight). Also: it’s become abundantly clear I can’t go more than 20 minutes without referencing my cat. I have a problem.
Of note: we might not think it’s so cool with a infant in tow moving forward, but we’re still ecstatic at the opportunity. #poop