Lisa and I are currently on a really fast moving train en route to Stockholm (<– that’s in Sweden) to embark on leg #2 of what I’ve been referring to as the “Scandinavian Triangle,” Trademark pending.
- Leg #1 = Oslo, Norway.
- Leg #2 = Stockholm, Sweden
- Leg #3 = Copenhagen, Denmark
(And then back to Oslo, to complete the triangle, and to catch our flight back home to Boston).
It’s been an amazing trip thus far, starting in Prague well over a week ago and now spilling into Scandinavian territory.
NOTE: If you haven’t already, check out Lisa’s travel blog – HERE – which has been growing in popularity over course of our trip. I’m starting to get the feeling everyone wants Lisa to start taking over the website permanently.
I hope everyone’s been enjoying all the guest posts I’ve had lined up in my absence. Not to brag or anything, but Travis Hansen’s article, 5 More Scientific Reasons Athletes Should Eat Carbs, was named “Top Nutrition Article of the Week” on the PTDC’s weekly reading list.
Congrats Travis!
I have a few more posts lined up for later this week, but in the meantime I wanted to take the opportunity to direct towards some other content.

I had the pleasure of being invited onto Joe DeLeo’s podcast recently. Joe’s a trainer located in the Providence, RI area and we took an hour or so talking about the industry, my reasons for leaving Cressey Sports Performance, and, of course, deadlifts…among other things.
If you have some time to kill or would rather listen to my silky, sexy voice rather than the people on the train or the person you share a cubicle with…than have it. I’d be honored!

Jen Sinkler is back with some more killer (FREE) video content for the promotion of the upcoming Lightning & Thunder project.
All six are simple to implement, provide a lot of bang-for-your-training-buck, and are the perfect fit for those with limited time in the gym.
The video is free. There’s no spamming (because Jen’s not an a-hole), and don’t forget to check out and download the PDF attached too!
For those who missed it, you can also check out THIS video from Jen showcasing some awesome partner drills to help improve reaction time. Includes hilarity.