Posts Tagged with "Program Design"

How to Write Effective Training Programs: Foul Shots and Whiteboards

I’ve had a rash of fitness professionals reaching out of late asking the same question in varying iterations… …a question, mind you, that I think every fitness professional ponders at some point: When the hell is someone going to green-light a sequel to Over the Top? Okay, in all seriousness: the real question revolves around… Read more

Why College Athletes Should Not Include Olympic Lifting In Their Programs

It’s not lost on me that the title of this particular blog post may ruffle a few feathers out there. There are many coaches and facilities in the world who implement the OLY lifts with their athletes and find great success with this approach. Conversely, there are also many coaches and facilities in the world… Read more

Never Question Your Exercise Selection Again

I’ve been a fan of “offset” loading for a number of years now. Without getting too deep in the weeds on what offset loading is and what the benefits are… …it’s when you either stagger your foot or hand position on certain exercises OR you load an exercise a certain way (how you hold a… Read more

The Ultimate 5-Step Guide to Progressing a Client Workout

Last week I received an email from Jon Goodman. At first I thought he was going to extend an invite to me to come up to Toronto for a weekend of watching Jean Claude van Damme movies. But that wasn’t the case. Fingers crossed for next time. Nope, instead Jon was curious if I’d be… Read more

Factors to Consider When Training Around Pain

Getting hurt is a drag. It’s even more of a drag when you’re someone who’s used to being active and an injury prevents you from training consistently or prevents you from training as hard as you’d like. There’s generally two approaches many people take: 1. Complete rest. 2. Conjure up their inner Jason Bourne and… Read more

Why Attempting to Set PRs Every Week is F&*#!@# Stupid

Attempting to set a PR every single week is silly. It’s an approach to training I have long advocated against (and a hill I will die on). Well, that and saying Sydney Bristow is the best character in television history…;o) Training to get stronger isn’t necessarily about hitting PR’s on the regular. In fact, if… Read more

Textbook Technique and Why it Doesn’t Exist

It’s not lost on me that the title of this post will raise some eyebrows. The title shouldn’t be taken too literally, because I do feel there are ideal approaches, methodologies, and “rules” to consider when coaching any lift in the weight room. That said, when it comes to exercise technique (or human movement in… Read more

The Importance of Feedback

I am currently galavanting around in my favorite place in the world… …London. I spent the weekend with my good friend Luke Worthington putting on our Strategic Strength Workshop and now I am in Day one of a three day introvert extravaganza. My plan is to do nothing but walk around the city, talk to… Read more