Posts Tagged with "shoulder pain"

Maybe Your Shoulder Hurts Because Your Technique Sucks

Full Disclosure: I am not a fantastic presser. I’m not going to sit here and attempt to regal you with stories from high-school where I used to drive a Camaro, hookup with the Prom Queen, and bench 405 for reps (you know, before that nasty football injury in the State Championship ruined everything). Nope, this… Read more

The “My Shoulder Hurts” Checklist

“Wha, what was that? Was that him?” It was 1:30 AM, maybe even 2:17 (it’s always a blur, sucky, and when it’s that late doesn’t it even matter?) as my wife nudged me to see if the baby was alright. I turned over to my left, peeled my eye open just enough to press the… Read more

5 Strategies for Healthy Shoulders

Unlike Dan John, I lack the ability to seemingly rattle off an array of quotable quotes with the frequency of a Donald Trump soundbite. That said, every now and then luck strikes and I chime in with gem like this: “Lifting weights isn’t supposed to tickle.” Muscles are going to get sore, and joints are… Read more

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 2/5/16

Going to keep this quick today because I am the master of procrastination and have a boatload of catching up to do on programs, writing, probably watching Netflix (who am I kidding?). But as my good friend, Ben Bruno, always states: “If you wait till the last minute, it only takes a minute.” I swear,… Read more

The Difference Between External and Internal Impingement of the Shoulder

Shoulder impingement. Not to play the hoity toity Jonny Raincloud card, but the words themselves – shoulder impingement – is a garbage term. It doesn’t really mean anything. To one degree or another your shoulder is always being “impinged.” So when you or your trainer or someone with more letters next to their name (or… Read more

Assessing Our Assessments: Shoulder Flexion

Assessment. It’s a powerful word. A daunting word. A ten letter word. A word that means different things to different people. But the word itself implies you’re assessing something. So, what is it? Well, given this is a fitness website it stands to reason that when I say the word “assessment” I’m not referring to… Read more

So Your Shoulders Are Depressed (So Sad)

So Your Shoulders Are Depressed (S0 Sad) Despite the cheekiness nature of the title, you can relax: I’m not suggesting that your shoulders are “depressed” in the literal sense of the word. I mean, it’s not as if they just got word they contracted ebola or that their heart just got ripped out by some… Read more

5 Reasons Your Shoulder Is Jacked-Up and Not Jacked – Part II

Welcome back! For those who missed it, yesterday I posted PART ONE (Newsflash: you’re reading part II) of some of the reasons why your shoulder is most likely jacked-up and not jacked. If you’re too lazy to click the link above, here’s the dealsky: 1.  Your technique on just about everything is, for lack of a… Read more