The 21st century has graced us with a bevy of technological advances:
High-speed internet.
Telescopes that now treat us to images of Black Holes
Nanotechnology to help improve manufacturing, healthcare, climate change, and agriculture.
Pizza crust made out of cauliflower.
The health/fitness sector has also benefitted. Trainers have the ability to work with clients from all over the world in real-time.
Seriously, cauliflower is now used to make pizza crust! Even more miraculous is that it doesn’t taste like sawdust.
We also have the capability to measure things like bar speed and heart rate variability via applications on our phone; all of which provide data to help us gauge our “readiness” to train on any given day.
Technology surely is great.
However, when it comes to ascertaining one’s readiness to train I tend to lean more toward the anti-app route, and instead rely on what I call “INDICTOR SETS.”
The easiest way to explain is via some anecdotal observances.
I was walking to my studio to train the other day where the plan was to show up, warm-up, crank a little Mobb Deep over the stereo, get angry enough to want to fight a tornado, and work up to a heavy(ish) triple on my deadlift (535 lb).
On paper it looked like a done deal.
But once I started warming up, things didn’t go quite as planned:
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 3
405 x 1 (didn’t feel horrible, but didn’t feel great)
An indicator set basically lets me know whether or not I have “it” that day.
For instance, in the previous two weeks, 455 lbs (which is ~80% of my 1RM) literally flew up. Based on “feel” of my bar speed, and how effortless the set felt, I knew I could make a run for a high 500’s pull.
Put another way, I gave myself the green light to go for it, and I did.
Conversely, 455 felt like absolute garbage the other day.
It felt slow off the ground. And it felt even slower at lockout, which I normally never have any issues with. The indication was: “Tony, if you attempt to go any higher you’ll run the risk of shitting your spine.”
So, I did the smart thing and called it.
I re-racked the plates, turned the page, and did my accessory work: DB reverse lunges, a little pouting in the corner, and some pull-throughs.
Listen, it’s not a perfect system, nor is it anything remotely scientific. To be as transparent as possible: I am not anti-technology. But I am anti-technology to the point that many (not all) people tend to miss the forest for the trees when it comes to their readiness to workout.
If their Apple watch indicates a modicum of fatigue they’ll shut that shit down faster than you can say, well, apple.
Just because your watch says you should avoid training on any given day doesn’t necessarily mean you have to. Besides, I’m not entirely sold on the reliability of those apps anyway. I’ve had clients walk into a session feeling like a million bucks only to have their watch tell them danger, danger, DANGER, and to not even look at a barbell.
On the flip side, I’ve also had clients show up feeling like they made out with a petri dish, only to warm-up, move around a little, and then feel like Leonidas leading the Spartans to battle.
Indicator sets help you learn to FEEL whether or not you’ve got the juice on any given day. In short: It’s a form of auto-regulation that helps you to not have to rely on some algorithm.
Plus, it’ll save you a few hundred dollars…😙
At least in this scenario you’ll have some tangible, performance-based evidence to help you gauge things. Muscle fatigue is one thing and tends to be easier for many people to use as a metric.
If you’re overly sore you can feel that and tweak your programming accordingly. CNS (or nervous system) fatigue is a bit more nebulous and harder to pinpoint, or even feel for that matter.
Indicator sets help you with the latter.
To that end, I encourage you to start utilizing indicator sets as part of your warm-up on the days you know you’re going to be pushing the envelop.
Pick a weight during your warm-up that you can use to “gauge” where you’re at that particular day. This number should be heavy enough to be challenging, but one you KNOW you can perform fast and with immaculate technique.
(this will likely be around 80% of your 1 rep-max)
Trust me. The whole mindset of lift heavy or go home – while admirable – isn’t always the best approach.
“I haven’t come across anything yet that can’t be cured by getting stronger.”
I heard this quote several years ago. I can’t recall who said it, but whomever it was was assuredly someone who’d make my top 10 list of people I’d want to hang out with.1
It stuck with me, and save for male pattern baldness I agree with it 100%.
3 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Better at Lifting Heavy Things
Outside of the minor nuisance of being the default person your friends & family rely on when furniture needs to be moved, there’s very little that can go wrong with getting stronger.
Athletes will typically jump higher, run faster, be able to change direction on a dime, and otherwise dominate the competition in their respective sport.
And they’re not the only ones who reap its benefits.
Getting stronger works wonders for regular gym folk (both male and female) as well. While many have a goal to perform better in their recreational basketball, flag football, softball, or Laser Tag league…
…building a solid foundation of strength bodes well for the more aesthetically minded individual too.
BTW: If you’re actually in a Laser Tag league, congratulations. You’re awesome.
For the most part strength = muscle.
Guys who can deadlift 2.5x bodyweight aren’t small.
To steal a train of thought from the great Dan John, women who can perform 5+ chin-ups (I’d even make the case for ONE chin-up) typically don’t need to fret over eating an extra slice of carrot cake.
And to that point, even if someone’s goal is fat loss, the more muscle they have the less “aggressive” they’ll have to be on the dietary side of the equation. This isn’t to imply the process is any easier and that you’re less likely to want to stab someone in the throat whenever you’re hangry. But, for all intents and purposes, those who have more muscle (and therefore probably a solid base of strength) generally don’t need to go into “I hate my life mode” when it comes to dieting.
Stronger people tend to be more resilient and don’t get hurt as much either. The saying “getting strong(er) is corrective“ can’t be stated enough.
Above all, those who are stronger are generally harder to kill once the zombies eventually take over.
So what are some factors that prevent or deter people from getting stronger?
Omitting the obvious culprits like not using progressive overload, listening to one syllable that comes out of Tracy Anderson’s mouth, or, you know, dying, below are a few less common talked about factors.
1. Recovery
I put this first because:
1. It’s that important.
2. Admittedly, it’s the most boring and most likely to be glossed over.
“You’re only as strong as how well you allow yourself to recover.”
Physiologically speaking you don’t get stronger (or bigger) during a workout. You break down muscle tissue and accumulate fatigue.
Both are necessary and it’s what causes the body to adapt, grow, and become stronger and stuff.
However, it’s how well you allow yourself to recover in between bouts of training which dictates consistent and long-term progress.
This can mean any number of things.
It’s hydration, it’s ensuring ample total calories in a 24 hour period (peri and post-workout nutrition isn’t nearly as life-and-death as we’ve made it out to be in the past), it’s keeping up with soft tissue quality (foam rolling, occasional massages), and most importantly it’s making sure you go the fuck to bed.
Nothing kills all the hard work you put in the gym then not getting ample sleep at night.
I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve had with high-school, collegiate, and professional athletes throughout the years where they’re scratching their heads as to why they’re not getting stronger and why they always feel as if a mack truck ran them over:
Are they not doing enough sets/reps?
Maybe it’s because they’re not taking “x” supplement?
Only to find out they’re up until 2-3AM every night playing Halo or flipping left/right on Tinder.
It’s a drastic example, and most reading right now aren’t quite as oblivious.
But this does speak to those of you who stare at a television, computer screen, or iPad for hours leading up to bedtime (or what I like to call nighty nights sleepy time) which then results in less quality rest.
I’m a huge proponent of setting a ritual for bed.
My wife and I bought room darkening curtains to block out as much outside light as possible, and I always sleep with a fan on at night to serve as “white noise.”
In addition I’ll always read in bed.
It’s more or less a signal to my body to “shut up.” And, to be honest, it’s rare that I can get through five pages before I’m nodding off.
So, long story short: GO TO BED.
Also, to the CrossFitters reading: it’s okay to take a day off occasionally. It works wonders for recovery. And no, going into your box on “free days” to perform a front squat Tabata or, I don’t know, ‘Alejandro’2 doesn’t count.
If you want to do something go for a walk.
2. You’re Lifting Heavy Things Too Much
I know many of you reading are thinking I’m off my rocker with this one, but hear me out.
There’s a popular line many strength coaches have used throughout the years:
“Far too many people are concerned with constantly testing their strength (1RM) rather than building it.”
I couldn’t agree more.
For the fun of it, audit yourself.
When was the last time you tested your 1RM in something?
If you’re like most people it was yesterday. And prior to that it was last week. And prior to that it was the week before that.
Don’t get me wrong: Training in the 85-95% 1RM range IS important from a strength development standpoint. Here we see many positive adaptations, like:
1. Maximal number of motor units are recruited.
2. Fastest MU’s are activated (high-threshold motor units).
3. The discharge frequency (rate coding) is increased.
4. Activity – inter and intra muscular coordination – is synchronous.
5. Potential for future hypertrophy gains (especially when you revert back to a “hypertrophy” specific training phase).
6. At least 37 IQ points (<=== it’s science).
Photo Credit:
However, it’s important to understand that most of the popular strength-based programs out there – 5/3/1, Cube Method, Juggernaut, etc – the bulk of the volume hovers in the 60-80% (1RM) range.
That’s in stark contrast to what many people perceive as the right approach when strength is the goal.
To reiterate: It’s still very important to train heavier than that – and the above programs do include work in the 90% + range – but it doesn’t have to be as frequent as one might think.
Training heavy all the time is going to wear you down. Not only will your joints take a beating, but it’s neurally taxing as well.
In the end, for most people most of the timer, it’s SUB-MAXIMAL work that needs to be prioritized more frequently.
Not only does it ensure immaculate technique – which allows people to “express” their strength more effectively – but it helps in building a much larger base so you can attain a higher peak (in strength).
3. Making Stuff Harder For the Sake of Making It Harder
Some people just want to be crushed in the gym, and that’s cool. I appreciate and respect whenever someone likes to work hard and get after it.
Here is where I have a TON of respect for CrossFit.
But making an exercise “hard” for the sake of making it hard (or to make yourself feel tired) won’t necessarily equate to better results.
When I write a program I need to be able to back up my rationale for every exercise I have someone perform. It’s easy to make someone tired.
Push a Prowler for 30 minutes.
It’s a whole nother ball game to enhance someone’s performance; to get them better. I need to be very particular with what movements and exercises I include given someone’s goals, injury history, and current ability level.
You know the saying “you’re only as strong as your weakest link?” Well, if getting stronger is someone’s goal that’s pretty important.
When most people think “get strong” they look to the big 3: squat, bench press, and deadlift.
In terms of any accessory movements I include in a program, 95% of them are going to be aimed at addressing some form of weakness or technique flaw in the aforementioned big 3 lifts.
The other 5% is dedicated to bicep curls.
Because, biceps.
A Few Examples
Someone is falling forward or having a hard time out of the hole in the squat – An easy fix would be to have them spend more time within the ROM they’re having the most trouble in. Pause squats for 2-5s (with 50-70% of 1RM) is an excellent choice. Another option here is to perform more Safety Squat Bar squats
Someone is weak off their chest in the bench press – Again, more time spent where they’re weakest would be ideal. Pause bench press or maybe high(er) rep sets with the Spoto Press.
Someone is weak at lockout with the deadlift – Dedicated speed/technique work with a lower % load would work, as would adding chains to the lift, or maybe some RDLs.
The theme to hammer home is to use your accessory work to address something useful, rather than making exercise hard for the sake of making it hard.
Ask 99 out 100 people what’s their “marker” for success in the weight room and they’re likely to say something related to how much weight is on the bar.
How to Build Success In Your Training (Other Than Just Adding More Weight)
I can’t disagree with the above logic.
If someone is lifting more weight on a particular lift this week compared to the previous week, and is following that mantra on a consistent basis, you can bet they’re going to make significant progress in the gym.
This approach is an easy, straight-forward, and fool proof way to “build” success into any program.
Right behind the “lift more weight” mentality – and serving as yet another fool proof way to champion progress – is the idea of manipulating the total number of sets and reps.
Add in an additional set or two3 and/or perform more repetitions of an exercise at a given weight and you’re doing more work.
Lift heavier loads or lift “x number” of weight for more repetitions and you have yourself some progressive overload.
Wash, rinse, repeat…….F.O.R.E.V.E.R
I think both approaches are spot on, and something I’ve discussed in past articles like HERE and HERE.
However, as much as I want to kiss that train of thought on the mouth without buying it dinner first, it does have its limits.
A recent exchange with a client of mine got me thinking: Are those two approaches, truly, the only way(s) to ensure success in a program? Is telling someone “just suck it up and lift more weight” the unequivocal best idea or approach?
I mean, how would you answer the following comment?
“So I totally understand why I shouldn’t add more weight if technique isn’t great, but what am I supposed to do if you’ve decreased the overall load?
If I’m doing less reps or less sets of a similar number of reps from the previous week and I don’t increase the weight, I’ve done less work than the week before. How will I see/get gains?”
I can’t say for sure, and my translation could be a little fuzzy, but if I were to open up my client to strength coach dictionary4 I’m pretty sure she’s insinuating that I’m trying to steal her gainz!
To me, another way to build success into anyone’s training is something not many people take notice of or even consider in the first place.
And that is……
“Feel” of a Set
To me, technique is paramount.
Especially when working with newbies or even intermediate lifters.
The reason why many tend to hit a speed bump or fail to make continued progress in their training is because their (shitty, or less than exemplary) technique doesn’t allow them to express their full strength.
Too many energy leaks due to form breakdown and, subsequently, poor alignment up and down the kinetic chain, leads to stagnant, sub-par progress.
Most have a hard time making any progress.
With regards to my client I broke it down like this:
“The reason why you crush 105 lbs. on the front squat and technique breaks down when you increase the weight to 115 lbs. is because you haven’t taken enough reps with 105 (or lower).
You need to build your volume with QUALITY reps, and earn the 115.”
Also “feel” of a set/rep matters.
Let’s say in Week #1 I call for five repetitions at “x” weight. I’d rather you stop your set at three repetitions than perform two reps with crappy technique. How are those final two reps going to make you better?
Grinding out some reps here and there is fine – and at times I’d encourage it. But I wouldn’t make a habit of it, because it doesn’t allow you to groove good technique.
Another way to think about progression is like this.
Week #1
Rep #1 = solid.
Rep #2 = pretty solid.
Rep #3 = meh, I got it, but that wasn’t solid.
Rep #4 = oh shit.
Rep #5 = I think I just destroyed the back of my pants.
Week #2
Rep #1 = dead sexy.
Rep #2 = dead sexy.
Rep #3 = solid.
Rep #4 = pretty solid
Rep #5 = okay, that wasn’t fun.
The idea here is to judge the feel of a set, and to take into account that that DOES MATTER.
If in Week #1, with a certain weight, a few repetitions make you hate life (or are not doable with passable technique), your “progression” is going to be to ensure that ALL repetitions are on point before you even think about increasing load.
That’s another way to build success into your training.
This article is not going to dive into the x’s and o’s of program design.
For that you can peruse my Resources Page and find plenty of options to fit your fancy. Instead, today, I wanted to peel the onion (so-to-speak) and discuss the layers of program design that rarely get discussed.
How to Make Your Programs Programs Your Clients Will Actually Follow
This post is going to hit on the more nitty-gritty and nuanced stuff.
The stuff that is the culmination of equal parts time under the bar, experience, and not sucking. The stuff that, while I feel are very important and what helps to separate the great coaches from the sub-par ones, might come across as trivial or inane to some, and certainly won’t win me any additional Instagram followers.
Wow, I’m really selling it here aren’t I?
Lets dive in.
1. It’s Not About You
No, really, the programs you write have nothing to do with you.
Sure, you’re writing them and it’s your expertise and coaching people are paying for. However, the program should be about your client/athlete and reflect their needs and goals.
I think it was Alwyn Cosgrove who first coined the phrase
“You should write programs, not workouts.”
On top of that, and equally Earth shattering, is a common quote I often defer to from the great Dan John:
“The goal is to keep the goal, the goal.”
Any Joe Schmo with biceps and a weekend personal training certification can write a hard workout that will make someone hate life.5
Writing a program – one that’s individualized – serves a purpose, addresses one’s unique injury history, caters to his or her’s goals, takes into account ability level, and on top of all that, is flexible, takes some thought, professionalism, skill, and attention to detail.
Listen, I am all for getting people strong (which, granted, is subjective) and I can appreciate anyone who places a premium on having their clients squat, deadlift, bench press, and deadlift.
Deadlift is listed twice….because, deadlift.
However, if your client is a newbie or is just looking to lose 10-20 lbs, or could care less about benching 2x bodyweight, the program should reflect that.
There’s two extremes that generally end up happening:
1. Trainer/coach doesn’t give a shit. Client shows up, trainer is ill-prepared, and what follows is some smorgasbord of laziness, complacency, and fitness industry cliches. I.e., client is paying for a babysitter who just so happens to show them how perform a shitty looking lunge.
2. Trainer/coach does give a shit. Albeit is too much of a narcissist to recognize that because he or she prefers to train like a powerlifter, Olympic lifter, bodybuilder, or CrossFitter, doesn’t mean ALL of their clients need to train the same way too.
Before you know it you have:
14 year old’s who have never mastered a squat performing Tri-Phasic 1-Legged Pistol Squats vs. Bands while dragging a sled
35 year old house wives working on their quad sweep
55 year old CEOs with poor shoulder flexion performing kipping pull-ups for AMRAP.
Makes sense.
At the end of the day people are more apt to follow and stay invested in a program – long-term – if they know it’s catered to them and has their best interests in mind.
Like it or not, this is a SERVICE industry….and while I recognize there’s a bit of head-butting between what people need to be doing and what they want to do, it’s your job as the fitness professional to find and include that balance.
2. Avoid Fitting Square Pegs Into Round Holes
Yo, check it.
1️⃣ No one HAS to back squat. And if they do, no one HAS to use the low-bar position.
2️⃣ No one HAS to pull from the floor. And if they do, no one HAS to use a straight bar.
3️⃣ No one HAS to bench press. And if they do, no one HAS to use a crazy excessive arch. Or use a barbell for that matter.
4️⃣ No one HAS to listen to A Tribe Called Quest radio on Pandora. But you kinda do. Trust me.
Another “trap” I see a lot of fitness professionals fall into is marrying themselves to any ONE way to do or perform anything.
For lack of a better way of putting it: I fucking hate this way of thinking.
I lose a lot of respect for coaches who are that narrow-minded and unwilling to understand that there are other coaches out there getting just as good (sometimes better) results not doing what they’re doing.
Piggy backing on what was mentioned above (on individualization) – everything kinda falls under this umbrella…from exercise selection, order, and even the variation.
I mean, if someone has the shoulder mobility of a pregnant rhinoceros it makes zero sense to force them into back squatting, let alone using a low-bar position.
Photo Credit: Menno Henselmans
It won’t do them any favors and will likely frustrate them as it will feel weird (possibly even hurt) and will do little in building a greater degree of competency.
If I felt squatting was still important for them and it fit into their goals, a better way to build success (and competency) would be to use a SSB (Safety Squat Bar) variation or maybe even Anterior Loaded KB Front Squats:
Here I can still groove a sexy squat pattern but take the upper body restrictions out of the equation.
Likewise, with deadlifts, no one outside of a powerlifter or weightlifter must pull from the floor. It’s a rare instance – kinda like a Centaur or a vegan dish that doesn’t taste like wallpaper – when someone walks into my gym on day one and can demonstrate the mobility (and stability) requirements to do so safely.
Honestly, my first order of business with many people is to help them find their hip-hinge before I worry about lifting anything heavy off the floor.
To that end, if someone lacks the ankle dorsiflexion, hip flexion, or t-spine extension to get into proper position, maybe a trap bar would be a better option?
I find it’s a more “user-friendly” way of introducing the deadlift.
What’s more, in terms of stress and sheer loading on the spine, the trap bar will be a better option for most people anyways. With a straight bar the center of rotation is further away from the bar, whereas with a trap bar it’s right smack dab INSIDE.
Want to make your programs programs your clients will actually follow?
One of the best strategies is to include exercises and movements that best fit their ability level, shows them success, and helps to build competency.
Everyone is different. Respect that.
3. Other Stuff I Was Going to Elaborate On But This Post is Already Long Enough
As in, write down and keep track of what your clients are doing per session (and encourage them to take ownership and do it themselves).
A funny thing happens when people start to keep track of what they do session to session. This little thing called progressive overload manifests and people start seeing results.
It motivates them.
Soon they’re lifting weights (for reps) they couldn’t sniff three months prior.
And it’s a beautiful thing.
2. Experiment with Semi-Private Training
My good friend and former business partner, Pete Dupuis, wrote a fantastic article on this topic that you can read HERE.
It’s not for everyone, but I find the semi-private training model works like a charm to help motivate people. There’s a lot to be said about being surrounded by like-minded individuals and training amongst a group of people who will push you, encourage you, and call you out when you skip sessions.
3. Know When To Back Off
This coincides with what I mentioned above when I said a program should be flexible.
You may have programmed for a client to work up to a few heavy sets of triples on their deadlift on a particular day, but they show up and it’s readily apparent they had a horrible night’s sleep, or maybe they’re just mentally exhausted from resisting the urge all day to Sparta kick their boss in the throat.
Regardless, whatever was planned is…just…not…going…to…happen.
You better have a plan B in your back pocket.
4. Don’t Forget To Put In Stuff They WANT To Do
It bears repeating, this is important: I’m all for playing the “there’s a reason why you’re paying me, I’m the expert” card.
But it’s only going to work in your favor to toss your clients a bone and not take yourself so seriously sometimes.
My female clients love it when I put in some extra glute specific work at the end of their training sessions. My male clients are 100% down for a quick 5-minute “Sun’s Out, Guns Out” arm finisher.
Pants optional.
5. Sprinkle in Some Markers
As in, don’t be afraid to write in prescribed loads you want your clients to hit.
I find many people are notorious for underestimating their ability (or maybe hesitant to push the envelop) and need a little nudge from their meanie head strength coach.
Here’s an example of what I mean, a snidbit of a program I wrote for one of my female clients last month:
Week 1: Trap Bar Deadlift
3 sets of 5 reps @ 155 lbs
Week 2: Modified Sumo Stance Deadlift
Hit 200×1
Then 3 sets of 4 reps @ 180 lbs.
Week 3: Modified Sumo Stance Deadlift
Hit 205×1
Then 3 sets of 2 reps @ 190 lbs
Week 4: Modified Sumo Stance Deadlift
Hit 215-220×1
Fist pump x infinity
Then 3 sets of 5 reps @ 160 lbs
One of her goals, before the end of the year, was to hit a 200 lb (straight bar) deadlift. She crushedthat goal, a few months early mind you, because I didn’t baby her and gave her some markers to hit.
I’m on vacation this week, and as a result I told myself I wasn’t going to do much of anything other than take many napsand eat a metric boat load (which is a shade more than a metic fuck ton) of honey wheat pretzels.
(Mission accomplished on both fronts).
I didn’t want to leave my readers hanging for a whole week, though, so I took it upon myself to schedule a few posts of repurposed content this week.
If you’re new to the site, it’ll be a new article.
What’s our obsession with making things hard or complex?
I remember when I was a kid all I needed to entertain myself was my bike. I’d ride around pretending I was Knight Rider talking to my bike as if it were KITT.7
“Turbo boost KITT.”
And then I’d pedal faster.
“Oh snap, we’re under heavy fire and need to perform counter measures.”
And then I’d swerve back and forth between trees avoiding every heat seeking missile sent in my direction.
“KITT, eject, eject.”
This is when I’d point my bike in the direction of some sweet jump I’d have constructed, and, well, this would happen:
Nowadays you ask a kid to go outside and play and they’re looking at you as if you have three heads and wondering how that’s even possible without an iPhone in hand. It’s almost as if there has to be some form of technology or gadgetry involved.
A frisbee? No way.
A wiffle ball and bat? Pfffft, whatever.
A tree? Hahahahahaha.
The simple days of simple games are long gone. I mean, I know they exist, and I know there are kids out there still playing hide-n-seek, kickball, and pick-up basketball.
But it’s few and far between. Pokemon Go, seemingly, has replaced the playground.
I can’t help but notice the same parallel in the fitness industry. People (on both sides of the fence: fitness pros and non-fitness pros alike) seem to be under the impression that fancy or complex is somehow better than simple. And maybe even more tragic: many believe that better results are always a result of adopting complex methodologies over the simple ones.
Sometimes this is true. Oftentimes it’s BS.
Since I’ve opened CORE I’ve had several coaches come in to shadow and observe for a few hours at a time.
It’s always an honor and I am more than willing to accommodate. Sure they could spend their time reading Mike Boyle or watching Kelly Starrett videos, but no, some choose to come in on a Saturday to watch people deadlift and listen to Annie Mac on BPM radio.
One theme I am becoming more cognizant of is how surprised some coaches are about how “simple” my programming is.
There’s very little glitz and glam or shiny bright objects to pivot from the fact that all I really want is for my clients/athletes to become unapologetically brilliant at the basics.
People squat, people hip hinge, and people perform these things called rows, push-ups, and Farmer carries.
You may have heard of them.
Antiques to some, I know.
Furthermore, is my assessment process.
The idea of simple starts there. Unless someone is coming in with a lengthy injury history or is training for something super specific like, say, I don’t know, the Mime Bombsniffing Olympics, what advantage is there in making the assessment more complicated than it has to be?
Taking a more global approach is a fantastic starting point for most people. There’s no need to put them under a microscope. If anything, for most people most of the time, their “assessment” is nothing more than an opportunity to weed out “red flags” by taking a quick peek at hip IR/ER, hip flexion/extension, and other things like overhead shoulder mobility.
In a sense I’m trying to see what their passive ROM is, are there any limitations, and if so, 1) does it match their active ROM and 2) are there any test/re-test strategies I can implement to see an improvement?
To a larger degree (and stealing a quote from my friend, Roland Fisher):
“Can you do the thing that you want to do? Yes. Good. No. Let’s fix that.”
Here’s the Thing: 80% of my assessments are done on the gym floor. There’s only so much poking and prodding I can do on table before A) shit starts getting weird and B) the client starts feeling like a patient.
In reality the assessment should be a watered down training session.
I want to see them squat.
I want to see them hip hinge.
I want to see them Dougie.
I can glean way more information watching people move. And too, they get a taste of what a typical training session will be like with me.
It’s a very simple procedure that, when some coaches observe, comes across as super-duper minimal, and it throws them off, as if to say, “Really? That’s it?”
Yep, that’s it.
People want to train.
They could give two flying shits about their big toe dorsiflexion. Trust me.
Funny Side Story: I was once given a “bad” review at a conference I spoke at because in my topic, “Shoulder Assessment,” I didn’t demonstrate anything “new and innovative.” To which I was like, “Well, since when does shoulder assessment need to be new and innovative?” Why not take the mindset of doing the “boring” screens well?
Note to Self: Bring a flame thrower to next speaking engagement. That will add some innovation.
Going Back to Programming.
This is another component where I feel simplicity has its benefits.
The never-ending game of oneupmanship on social media many fitness pros play is exhausting. This is a conversation for another day, but the LOOK-AT-ME, performative vibe many take is absurd. I watch some of the videos people put up and all I want to do is say “Riiiiiigggghhhhttt.”
I also want to throw an ax into my face, but that’s besides the point.
Comparatively speaking my Instagram feed is probably batshit boring to some people.
A video posted by Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore) on
I can hear the cacophony of “BFD” comments now. “Wow, cool Tony. You have your clients squat. What’s next: A set of chin-ups?
No, wait, Pallof Presses!?!?!”
Actually, yeah. Probably.
Call me crazy, but I’d rather educate and provide a rationale for putting up certain videos/pictures (cute cat pictures aside) than worry about whether or not I’m earning some fleeting social media credibility.
What’s more, you wanna talk about boring and vanilla? Grab two back-to-back programs of any client of mine and it’s a safe bet you’ll see more of a linear periodization approach, which is about as vanilla as things gets. Take my client Sara for example (the woman in the video above).
On the days she trains with me at CORE we tend to focus more on the coaching-intensive exercises like squats and deadlifts. We’ll first hit one of the two hard (generally, lower reps/mid to higher intensity loads) and follow suit with “everything else.”
Here’s how we approached her squats and deadlifts the past two months.
Sumo Deadlift (Weeks 1,3), Back Squat (Weeks 2,4)
Hit 135×1
115 lbs
3×1 @90%
Hit 140×1
120 lbs
Sumo Deadlift (Weeks 1,3), Back Squat (Weeks 2,4)
135 x (2×1)
3×3 @
125 lbs
3×2 @
130 lbs
If you pay particular attention to her squat progression, it’s more or less me ensuring she was doing more work each week.
Nothing magical or advanced at all.
And it worked.
She smoked a PR of 145 lbs this past Monday. While listening to Lil Kim. Because that’s how we roll.
Program design doesn’t have to be complex.
All it really comes down to is ensuring you’re coaching your clients well (<– a lost art in of itself) utilizing stances and grips and bar placements that suit their goals and anatomy…
…and that they’re placing a premium on doing more work over the course of several weeks/months.
Simple and Boring. It Works
I’m willing to bet your clients will prefer a simpler approach (if not thrive on it) once you give it a fair shot.
People tend to not need as much novelty as they think. Muscle confusion is a stupid concept. People need consistency in order to master movement.
You don’t always need to increase load. People need to earn the right to increase weight on the bar. Staying within a certain range for several weeks and accumulating volume is often a undervalued way to progress.
Try not to make assessment to much of a thing. Granted, if someone has a lengthly injury history you may need to go down some sort of rabbit hole to figure out what exacerbates their symptoms. And then attempt to address it. But more often than not people will appreciate you not putting them under a microscope. If you treat the assessment as more of a training session and not some sick game to point out every miniscule dysfunction and how much of a walking fail someone is, they’ll be less likely to think you’re a douche.
About a two weeks ago I received an email from a newly minted trainer in the industry who had read THIS article on program design I wrote not too long ago.
Sheepishly, he admitted that program design was one of his weak points and that he felt he was ill-prepared to write effective one’s despite having recently completed the certification process.
I could relate.
I recalled how in the first few months of my personal training career I felt like an abject failure when it came to writing programs for my clients.
Here’s how it went:
Client: “Hi.”
Me: “Hi.”
Client: “Can you write me a program to help me reach my goals?”
Me: “Brb.”
(cooly turns around and heads off to the back room to hyperventilate into a paper bag)
(10 Minutes Later) Me: “Yes, I can do that.”
In the time between those initial few months and now I’ve written roughly, I don’t know, 5,000-7,000 (+/- infinity) programs for a menagerie of individuals and backgrounds. Many have been influenced by books I’ve read, lectures I’ve listened to, and/or conversations I’ve had with other colleagues of mine.
Moreover, many have their roots in me just spit-balling and experimenting with an idea of concept. There’s a thought process behind them of course; I’m not just blindly tossing things at the wall and seeing what sticks.
However, I’d be remiss if I didn’t just come right out and say that a portion of my program writing process is me just saying to myself, “let’s see what happens if I do this.”
No one has died or lost an appendage yet…😉
More to the point: I’ll be the first to say that NONE of my programs have been perfect. Even today I am constantly x’ing stuff out, changing this exercise to that, adjusting loads, regressing, progressing, or otherwise flat out changing my mind.
Sometimes I’m overzealous, sometimes I’m too reserved.
Sometimes I’m wrong.
I’m not scared to admit it.
Nevertheless, the point is: I am always leaning into the process and accepting the fact that I am (and will always be) thiiiiiiis close to grabbing that paper bag.
Which brings me back to the new trainer from above.
As he and I were corresponding back and forth he proposed something to me. He wanted to see if I could help him find another coach to mentor him and to possibly write programs for a few of his current clients.
He’d provide the details.
The other coach would write the program
Then he’d want to “dissect” the program with the other coach to ask more of the why’s and how’s behind the program.
I gave him two pieces of advice:
1. To seek out a local trainer/coach that he could shadow/observe on a semi-regular basis. This is something I wish I would have done earlier in my career.
It would have helped tremendously.
There’s an abyss of value in having the ability to watch another coach in real-time do his or her thing and to also have the opportunity to ask questions.
I reminded him that he won’t write perfect programs. That’s an awful expectation to put on himself. I reiterated to him that his client’s wouldn’t need “perfect” programs, but rather just some semblance of progress.
Let’s be real: Most people see improvements in spite of what their program has them doing.
It’s more about being consistent with something, anything than it is whether or not they’re following an undulated, block periodization plan centered around quasi-isometric eccentrics.
If you’re a new trainer the best way to learn how to write programs is to jump in and do it.
A few weeks ago my good friend, Luke Worthington, and I were texting back and forth on why I hate him so much because I’m not him (6-4, 230 lbs, ripped, smart, British, pfffft whatever Luke) programming and coaching.
Specifically, we both commented on the facade that some (not all) fitness professionals seemingly lean into on social media
Even more specifically, we attempted to excavate the difference between what I would refer to as “putting on a show” and actually coaching people.
Our conversation took root when we brought up something we had both observed on another colleague’s Instagram account and the abject silliness it projected.
Now, I’m not going to name names; it’s not my nature to do so. And, to be honest: I try to always keep an open mind whenever I see something eyebrow raising from other coaches.
I mean, who am I to say what’s a legitimate exercise/drill for their client?
I don’t know their client’s injury history.
I don’t know their client’s goals.
I don’t know their client’s ability level.
I don’t know the purpose of that day’s session.
Maybe there’s a perfectly fine rationale for that particular exercise (even though running over their right arm with a Prius for AMRAP would have been a better use of their time).
I keed, I keed.
Nevertheless, Luke is based in London and works with a number of high-profile people ranging from Hollywood actors/actresses, models, magazine editors, and various professional soccer players.
During our chat he mentioned he had started working with a well-known actor who’s currently prepping for a rather significant action role.
Nope, not Jason Bourne.
Alas, not James Bond.
In the name of discretion, I can’t reveal the actor’s name. It would be uncouth for me to do so, and I certainly wouldn’t want to divulge anything that Luke himself hasn’t divulged.
Negative, not him either. But OMG, I wish.
I haven’t come close to working with the same volume of “high-end” clientele that Luke has worked with in his career. That being said, I’ve worked with many professional baseball players throughout the years (especially during my time at Cressey Sports Performance), and did happen to rub elbows with Hollywood recently.
And I have to say…
…it’s hard not to put on the facade.
To quote Luke:
“When you were working with Rosamund (Pike) did you find it hard not to put on a show? Did you feel you had to impress her with new and innovative exercises? That you had to provide more of wow factor? I find it exhausting sometimes working with people in the entertainment industry.”
At first, yes.
Rosamund joining the 100 lb deadlift club working with me at CORE.
But then I realized that she was just a person like everyone else and needed the same shit as everyone else.
Moreover, once I understood that all she was looking for was a solid training session where she could have an hour to herself to be away from the movie set and away from the chaos, it became much less daunting to me.
I kept things simple.
She deadlifted.
She squatted.
She carried stuff.
She hoisted stuff.
She threw stuff.
She listened to sick techno beats.
All I did was to ensure the exercises were coached well and that they matched her ability level.
I didn’t feel the need to put on a show.
And she and I had a lovely time together.
Back to Luke, though.
In addition to texting back and forth about the pressure to perform and avoid reneging on our mutual intuition to just keep things simple, we also went back and forth a bit on his client’s programming.
Luke noted that his client’s role will require a number of shirtless scenes and that the expectation is that he must look the part; broad shoulders, pecy pecs, cut arms, etc.
The caveat, however, is that this client also has a number of shoulder issues that limits his ability to perform certain exercises pain free.
Luke’s a more than capable coach to devise a suitable trainable menu for his client. That said, he and I were going back and forth on some ideas when he noted that during a prior session he had his client perform a double landmine press.
For most coaches this exercise is quite standard or even inane. It’s nothing extraordinary or flashy (especially by social media standards).
However, Luke’s client loooooooooved it.
It targeted parts of his body he needed to bring up for the role AND he was able to perform it pain free. Luke could have easily made the exercise more sexy by setting the barbells on fire, or, I don’t know, having his client press with one arm while juggling a chainsaw on the other.
Instead, what Luke did was be a coach.
And, frankly, that’s what most people need whether they’re Thor or Tina.
NOTE TO READER: This is a re-post of a blog post I wrote back in 2017. It’s still the shit. You should read it.
There aren’t many topics harder to write about than program design.
I mean, I guess we can make a case for Biomolecular Feedback Systems or the intricacies of Mass Spectrometry,10 but in my neck of the woods – health/fitness & increasing people’s general level of badassery – program design can be (and often is) an arduous topic to break down.
It’s often a rabbit hole full of platitudes and people majoring in the minors.
I don’t know how many sets your client should perform. Or reps. And I don’t know if back squats would be a better fit than front squats.
The answer to any programming question will always be “it depends.”11
Did Tony Just Say Program Design is Dumb and Useless?
Um, no.
What kind of coach would I be if I said that?
Of course it’s important. I’d also be remiss if I didn’t say it’s imperative for any personal trainer or coach to be competent in that area and have skills.
A particular set of skills.
Skills that make you a nightmare for excess subcutaneous fat and sub-par deadlift technique.
Sets, reps, which exercise to do, and in what order?…it all falls under the umbrella of “I think this will work.”
“I’m pretty sure this person should trap bar deadlift instead of using a straight bar.”
“11 reps, Definitely 11.
“Shit, did I leave the oven on?”
I mean, hopefully your guesses aren’t coming from left field and made with some modicum of education catered to the goals, needs, and experience level of each client/athlete you work with.
There are a multitude of factors to consider when writing a program. There’s no such thing as a one-size fits all approach.
It’s something entire books take 500+ pages to explain and people get fancy degrees in and stuff.
One of my all-time favs: Christian Thibaudeau’s Black Book of Training Secrets
I am not going to get into the nitty-gritty of program design in this little ol’ post. I’ll peel back that onion at a later date. But there are several tenets of program design that are widely accepted across the board.
Including but not limited to:
The organization of the training process. More to the point: It’s the planned variation in training volume and intensity over the course of a training program
This can be accomplished using Micro, Meso, or Macro Cycles:
Micro – Usually one-week in length
Meso – Usually 2-8 weeks in length, and often the most utilized.
Macro – Usually one-year in length (typically reserved for competitive athletes and/or SuperHeroes.
Mesocycles (2-8 week blocks) are the most common and can often be broken down into specific categories:
1. Doing Stuff. Or, What Uppity Strength Coaches Call General Physical Preparedness (GPP)
This is a phase where most people will start and it entails improving things like ROM of a particular muscle, flexibility, strengthening of weak muscle groups, addressing movement quality deficits, and using it as an opportunity to teach proper technique on certain exercises and drills.
2. Specific Physical Preparation (SPP)
My good friend, Joe Dowdell, often says this is where the bulk of the general population – particularly those who work with personal trainers – will stay.
This phase can have one of two focuses:
Accumulation – where the main stressor is volume (strength endurance, hypertrophy, etc)
Intensification – where the main stressor is intensity (Max Strength, Relative Strength, Speed Strength, Strength-Speed, etc)
3. Specific Training Phase
This is most often reserved for athletes and honing in on the specific demands of their sport of choice. Everything from exercise selection, speed of movement, energy-system work is specific to the sport.
4. Competitive Phase
In short, this covers IN-SEASON training. When I was at Cressey Sports Performance how we programmed for a baseball player during his IN-season training drastically differed from his OFF-season, mostly in terms of training frequency and intensity.
Types of Periodization
Giving credit where it’s due, the bulk of these descriptions are taken from Joe Dowdell’s Program Design Manual.
[NOTE: Sorry, good luck finding it. You’ll have better odds at finding The Invisible Book of Invisibility.]
1. Sequential Method (Linear)
This method uses specific intervals of time in order to develop a singular goal or strength quality.
This is where many beginner clients will start (as well as those who are injured).
Long Linear Method – Beginners live here. As weeks pass, volume decreases as intensity increases. The concept of “do more work each week” is hammered home here.
Short Linear Method – Uses 1-3 weeks and tries to fix the shortcomings of long-linear approach. Is a way to prevent de-training of strength qualities.
You can also think of this method as NSCA Essentials 101:
Preparation —> Hypertrophy —> Strength —> Power —> Competition —> Active Rest
The pitfall, unfortunately, is that this approach isn’t optimal for more advanced lifters/athletes as it’s tough to train multiple qualities at once.
2. Undulation Method
This is a very popular method and one I use often with my own clients. This is where you perform several different workouts in a repeating cycle, focusing on a different rep-range, exercises, or both.
A classic example is something like this:
Day #1 = “Heavy” Day; where all exercises are performed with low(er) repetitions (3-5) using heavier loads.
Day #2 = “Medium” Day; where all exercises are performed with more traditional “hypertrophy” styled rep-ranges (8-12)
Day #3 = “Light” Day; where all exercises are performed with high(er) reps (15+), tickles optional.
The above approach can be a considered “Daily Undulation.” You can also implement a weekly undulated approach, where the training stress fluctuates weekly.
All in all it’s a nice way to keep training fresh and allows trainees some variety.
3. Concurrent Method
This method allows for training multiple qualities at the same time in a given time period. The most common examples of this method is Westside Barbell and CrossFit.
CrossFit = Wall Balls, Kipping Pull-Ups, Double Overs, and Running Over Your Left Arm with a Prius for AMRAP. Dope.
4. Conjugate Method
This is a variant of Concurrent programming. Here, you’re still training multiple qualities but with an emphasis on ONE goal while maintaining all others with a minimal volume.
5. Block Periodization
This is described as a linear series of blocks that focus on several abilities at once. For high-level athletes and competitors this seems to be the preferred approach.
With this method there’s one dominant quality being emphasized (maximal strength for example) with a secondary focus on a different quality (muscle hypertrophy, bringing sexy back), all using a sequence of meso-cycles:
Accumulation (4 weeks) – develop basic abilities such as general aerobic endurance, muscle strength, movement quality, etc.
Transformation/Intensification (4 weeks ) – develop specific abilities like anaerobic endurance, specialized muscular endurance, and event specific technique.
Realization (2 weeks) – pre-competition, which typically emphasizes maximum speed and recovery prior to event. Otherwise known as “you’re now ready to go rip shit up.”
The Training Hour Pie
Mike Boyle speaks to this often. If you have a finite amount of time with a client or athlete – say 60-90 minutes – it’s important to structure each training session to fit the goals and needs of the person and prioritize a certain percentage of the pie accordingly.
That’s the meat-and-potatoes of (good) program design.
Most programs, day-to-day, breakdown as follows:
Soft Tissue Work – 5-10 minutes
Mobility Work/Dynamic Warm -Up – 5-10 minutes
CNS, Reactive, or Speed Work – 10-15 minutes (jumps, skipping, agility, plyometric, OLY Lifts)
Strength Training – 30-40 minutes
Energy System Work – 10 minutes
Recovery & Regeneration – 5-10 minutes.
Netflix & Chill – optional (but not really)
There will be fluctuations in how much time you allot to what component person-to-person. Some may need to spend more dedicated time on tissue quality, while others may need to up their conditioning.
However, it’s well accepted that most training sessions should follow this “flow,” and it’s your job as the coach to figure out the details.
All of This to Say
When I’m asked to speak to undergrads or young fitness professionals I often balk at the idea of discussing program design. I refrain from writing about it, too. They all want the answer, the big idea, the overarching thesis.
It’s impossible to do.
It’s all talk.
Stop talking.
Don’t get me wrong, the talking is important. It behooves any aspiring fitness professional to have a base understanding of anatomy, physiology, exercise science, and biomechanics and to talk things out.
To speculate, pontificate, question, maybe proselytize.
It’s also important to, you know, read books. I’d never say otherwise.
But it’s also important to consider that reading, talking and pontificating – while part of the “Turning Pro” process – doesn’t in any way, shape, or form suggest mastery.
Action does.
I’d argue the best way to write effective programs is through experience and letting yourself marinate in trial-and-error.
Honestly, when it comes to writing effective training programs, trial-and-error via experience will teach you more than most textbooks.
It’s not necessarily about how many books you read, seminars on the topic you go to, or how many “Masterminds” you attend. That’s all well and good and does matter. But having the guts to finally break the inertia of inaction, to finally stop talking, and to finally put things into action (often failing miserably)…that’s when things get interesting.
Uttering the phrase “looks like someone has a case of the Mondays.”
Partaking in social media drama, buffoonery, and general hijinks.
For me there’s a cost/benefit to all of the above. Take my cat, Dagny, for example. I love her to pieces. But I still get the feeling, whenever she looks at me for more than three seconds, she’d murder me in a nanosecond with a machete if only she had opposable thumbs.
I have my reasons for the other stuff too.
With regards to the latter, however, I was recently lured in like a moth to a flame when I saw a Tweet from a well regarded and highly respected fitness professional commenting on “lifting heavy” and playing sports…
…and how people should avoid the former if participating in the latter.
I have to say, before I dive into my own thoughts on Dan’s thoughts, reading the subsequent comments was quite entertaining.
They ranged from people agreeing to the statement13 to what can only be described as a few peacocks spreading their feathers.
I.e., Triggered!
A few coaches read the comment and reacted as if someone informed them creatine was the same as steroids or, I don’t know, one of their athletes didn’t squat to depth.
I could just smell the inflated lat syndrome emanating from my screen.
Admittedly, I too rolled my eyes a bit.
That said, I felt the initial statement was a bit too ambiguous. To me, it was more about garnering eyeballs & drawing attention to his funnel link than providing anything of real substance.14
What sports are we referring to? MMA? Lacrosse? Backyard wiffleball?
What level of sports are we referring to?
What’s the ability level & experience level of the athletes in question as it relates to the weight-room?
What’s considered “heavy.”
Is there no such thing as in-season and off-season training modifications in this mysterious world where athletes shouldn’t lift heavy things?
To Dan’s credit, he did elaborate further:
“The reason is because both are taxing to the nervous system. Mind you when I talk “sport” I mean one played at a high intensity (ie. basketball, soccer, surfing). Trying to play your best while chasing PR’s will likely cause injury.”
I didn’t quite understand where he was going with his sport examples. I’d make the argument that any athlete of any sport – particularly if it’s being performed at a high level – needs to be prepared for that sport. I don’t care if we’re talking about soccer or bowling.
Okay, maybe bowling is a stretch…;o)
Much of that preparedness comes from a well-rounded, properly progressed IN-SEASON and OFF-SEASON strength & conditioning program.
Off-Season Training = Initially focuses on recovery to combat a long competitive season as well as to address any deficits/weaknesses that accumulated along the way. That then transitions to a more traditional strength & conditioning program catered to helping the athlete improve strength, speed, movement capacity, ROM, ability to run through a brick wall, etc.
In-Season Training = Reducing training frequency/volume – depending on playing time (starter vs. 10th-11th man off the bench in basketball), position (everyday player vs. pitcher in baseball), game schedule (football vs. softball) – albeit under the guise that the objective is to LIMIT as much drop off as possible of the gains made in strength, speed, etc during the off-season.
Not to mention, in-season strength training is a splendid way to help reduce the incidence of injury as a season progresses and fatigue and wear-n-tear on the body accumulates.
KEY POINT: Reduction in frequency (volume), not intensity.
It’s my experience – and that of many other coaches – that intensity (as a percentage of one’s 1-rep max) is far less taxing on the CNS than volume (sets x reps x frequency). In fact, it behooves most athletes to keep intensity somewhat high during SOME of their in-season training.
As Vladimir Zatsiorsky states in his seminal book, Science and Practice of Strength Training:
“Training with weights ~90% of one’s 1-rep max (I.e., heavy, but no anywhere near PR heavy):
Recruits the maximum number of motor units.
Ensures the fastest MU’s are activated.
Discharge frequency (rate coding) is increased.
Activity is synchronous.
Improves coordination between synergistic muscles.
Increases potential for future hypertrophy gains.”
Moreover, Zatsiorsky notes that from a velocity standpoint, it’s been shown that power output increases as the weight lifted decreases from 100% of 1RM to 90% of 1RM. In fact, for the back squat and deadlift, power output for a load at 90% 1RM may be twice as high as the 1RM load due to the large decrease in the time required to complete the exercise with the lighter load.
In other words: Lifting light(er) loads faster = best of both worlds?
Additionally, strength “lingers.”
You don’t have to do a lot of it in order to maintain it.
In his book, Block Periodization, Dr. Issurin notes that maximal strength has a “residual duration” of 30 +/- 5 days.
In non-Klingon all this means is that, in order to maintain strength, you only really need to remind the body every 2-3 weeks (or so) of what it takes to keep it. This is splendid news for in-season athletes.
This means that 2-3 heavy(ish) sets of 2-5 reps (in the 85-95% range) every few weeks is enough to maintain most of their strength levels.
Australian strength coach, Nathan Kiely, sums things up nicely:
“Maintaining neuromuscular strength in-season is critical. And a load that wouldn’t have developed it in the first place, won’t do enough to retain it either.”
To that end, NO COMPETENT COACH is chasing PR’s in-season. I just wish Dan would have said THAT initially instead of the blanket statement of “if you play sports you shouldn’t lift heavy.”
Because, I agree – it makes zero sense to max out or chase PR’s during a competitive season.
As one commenter commented:
“Chasing PRs and 1 RM in season are pointless. But if you program correctly and tailor workouts to your athletes sport intensity, schedule and allow recovery time. PRs are just going to happen organically.”
The statement reminded me of something I heard renowned strength & conditioning coach, Buddy Morris, say during a presentation years ago:
“Tony, can we be BFFs? Whenever an athlete of mine hits a PR – especially in-season – I shut em down for the day.”
In Short: When dosed intelligently you can do both.
It’s not lost on me that not many people are having dinner parties of late.
World pandemic and all…😒
For the past year the closest my wife and I have gotten to a bonafide dinner party is ordering take-out every Saturday night with our 4-year old, and then sitting at the table with his army of super hero action figures.
Excuse me Hulk, can you pass the garlic sauce?
That said, here in the States we’re inching ever so closer to some semblance of normalcy and my wife and I are beginning to make plans with friends for get togethers in several weeks.
And it got me thinking…
…planning for dinner parties is very much analogous to writing competent training programs.
All of the above are important things to ponder.16
(Don’t you dare forget about the cheese board).
Above all else, of course, would be ensuring your place is spic and span for your guests.
Think about it this way: If you’re planning on having guests over for dinner, and you need to tiddy up the place, where are you going to concentrate your efforts?
Vacuuming the floors?
Cleaning (and putting away) all the dirty dishes in the sink?
Making sure there isn’t any dirty laundry laying around?
Fluffing the pillows on the couch?
Lighting a few scented candles for some added ambiance, perhaps?
Those all sound like winners to me.
You’re likely not going to focus on iron pressing your ties, scrubbing down the shower, or, I don’t know, organizing your spice rack alphabetically.
The point is: You’re going to focus on the “big rocks” and save the superfluous, extraneous minutiae for another time.
By comparison, when working with a personal training client and you only have, if you’re lucky, two, maybe three hours per week with them, what should be the priority with regards to their training program?
More globally, what THEMES should be emphasized to help him or her make long-term progress that sticks?
NOTE: The answer to both questions can (and should) be dictated by one’s goal(s), injury history, and ability level (to name a few)…
…but let’s briefly take fat-loss as an example.
Speaking for myself, if a client of mine expresses interest in focusing on fat-loss, from a programming standpoint I’m going to concentrate my efforts toward the BIG ROCKS:
1️⃣ Discuss Strategies to Promote a Caloric Deficit
I’d rather jump into a shark’s mouth than go down the rabbit hole of discussing calories here.
There’s a myriad of things to consider and take into account:
Needless to say…if fat loss is the goal, a caloric deficit needs to happen in some fashion.
2️⃣ Strength Training
Sure, we can have a discussion on the efficacy of utilizing approaches such as supersets, compound sets, intervals, finishers, circuits, AMRAP sets, and so on and so forth to help promote more metabolic type training.
However, for me, I’m still going to have my client lift appreciable weight to “remind” the body to keep as much muscle as possible during a caloric deficit, which means I’ll still emphasize compound movements such as deadlifts, squats, rows, and various presses in order to hit as many muscle groups as possible in a minimal amount of time.
Seems pretty logical, right?
Again, if I only have a limited number of hours per week with a client, I’m going to use that time as efficiently as possible.
Why, then, would having your client perform 15 lb. standing tricep extensions followed by 1-legged lateral raises while standing on a wobble board even enter the equation?
Sadly, I see this type of programming a lot.
Going back to the dinner party analogy, that’s akin to me vacuuming the insides of my shoes in the in the bedroom closet. It makes absolutely no sense!
Stop Majoring in the Minors
Far too often I see trainers focus on the minor, sweating the details to the detriment of actually giving their clients lasting results.
When you think about it, it’s the Pareto Principle to a T.
“80% of your results are going to come from 20% of the work.”
My good friend, Bryan Krahn, said it about as succinctly as possible recently:
90% of the population needs to walk every day, lift weights, drink more water, prepare their own food, and get good quality sleep.
They don’t need massage guns, keto diets, hormone hacks, pre-workouts, or poisonous debates about “shit exercises” or all the coaches you hate.
As far as GLOBAL themes are concerned (the stuff that most people would bode well following), you’d be hard pressed to do any better.
(Maybe add some bicep curls?…haha)
I am by no means suggesting I know the best way to train every client – particularly yours.
All I’m saying is that when it comes to program design – and by default, exercise selection – trainers need to take it upon themselves to think critically and ask: “is this really going to get my client the best results in the quickest, most time efficient way possible?”
If not, then start over.
Now, excuse me while I go organize my He-Man underoos.