CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 10/16/15

I’m heading to Chicago this weekend to meet up with Dean Somerset for our Complete Shoulder & Hip Workshop.

NOTE: We’ll be in LA the weekend of November 14th (go HERE for more info).

It’s my first time visiting Chicago, and my wife, Lisa, is tagging along. We’re making an extended stay out of it (through early next week) and she’s been busy drumming up an itinerary of places to visit, places to eat, and things to do.

We can’t wait.

Speaking of Chicago, the venue Dean and I are speaking at – Rebell Strength & Conditioning – is located near Wrigley Field, and the Cubs are in the playoffs (score!). Although they’re playing the Mets in NYC this weekend (bummer).

The Red Sox ended their World Series drought back in 2004. I moved to Boston in 2006 and have been fortunate enough to witness the Sox win two more.

The Cubs haven’t won a World Series since 1908 and now, after defeating the St. Louis Cardinals, Vegas has them as the odds on favorite to take home the title in 2015.

I mean Back to the Future II predicted it:


But This is Even Cooler

A good friend of mine, Matt, who was a former professional baseball player that trained and eventually interned at CSP, and who is now living in Chicago while attending medical school posted this the other day.

“I’ve been very lucky to see my fair share of St. Louis Championships (Rams in 2000, Cardinals in 2006,2011) but I’m starting to notice a trend – every city I live in wins or beats a St. Louis team to break their championship/playoff droughts (and generally dominates in all sports)…which means, it’s looking good for the Cubs!

1987- 1 year old Matt watches Minnesota Twins Beat Cardinals for first ever World Series
2000- St. Louis Rams Win Super Bowl
2002- Watch Patriots beat Rams in Super Bowl
2004- (year I move to Boston)- Boston Red Sox Beat Cardinals, break 87 year curse
2004- New England Patriots win Super Bowl
2006- New England Patriots win Super Bowl
2008- Boston Celtics win NBA Championship (first in 22 years)
2011- Boston Bruins win Stanley Cup (first in 39 years)
2013 (move to Chicago) – Chicago Blackhawks win Stanley Cup (beating the St. Louis Blues on their way AND Bruins in Finals)
2015- Chicago Blackhawks win Stanley Cup
2015- Chicago Cubs Beat Cardinals en route to first World Series in 107 years?!?

I’ll be taking moving offers to other championship-less cities if the offer is right!”

Only time will tell.

4 Back Exercises You’re Screwing Up – Lee Boyce

Lee’s my boy.

He and I see eye to eye on many things training related, and this article is no different. I’m particularly fond of his take on the 1-Arm DB Row.

Also, on an aside: Lee and I are both considering teaming up to produce a podcast in 2016. It’ll mostly be dealing with fitness and training, but he and I are both movie aficionados as well so I’m sure we’ll go a little off tangent in that regard too.

Stay tuned….

6 Power Pairings For the Lower Body – Ben Bruno

It’s funny. I saw the title of this article on and thought to myself, “that sounds like something Ben would write.”


I know my friends so well.

Seeing What Others Don’t – Gary Klein

This is a book I picked up recently that I’m really enjoying.

I’m a sucker for behavioral economics, and this book tackles the topic of insights and how, when, and why they’re formed.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 10/9/15

Before we dive into this week’s stuff to read I’d like to first send a HUGE internet fist bump to the people at Rogue Fitness.

I ordered a bunch of equipment from them this past Tuesday – including a power rack and a handful of accessory items – and I received noticed yesterday that everything will be arriving in Boston TODAY (Friday).

That is an amazing turn around.

What’s more, I had a representative reach out to me immediately because he noticed a discrepancy in my original order after reviewing it. One of the accessory items wasn’t going to be the right “fit” for the power rack and he quickly informed me of the correct version and refunded me the difference.

Now that’s efficient customer service.

I’m half expecting them to come over and make me breakfast in bed too.

I also had a special delivery from the UPS guy yesterday; a new trap bar for the studio. As you can see from the video below, everyone in the Gentilcore household loves it. Even Dagny:


I know, I know. It’s pretty shameless (and borderline creepy cat lady status) that I posted a video of my cat on the internet. I get it.


Oh, and one last thing.

  • There are still a handful of spots available for mine and Dean Somerset’s Complete Shoulder & Hip Workshop at Rebell Strength & Conditioning in Chicago next weekend (Oct. 17-18th). Click HERE for more information.
  • We’ll also be in Los Angeles, at CrossFit 714 (in Anaheim), the weekend of November 14-15th. Click HERE for more information.

CEU’s are available for both events. And hugs.

3 Crucial Lessons From Lifting Without a Belt – Tony Bonvechio

I wrote a post a few years ago on the efficacy of weight belts and why (and when) it’s a good idea to use one. Tony B sheds some light on why using one can often be a crutch and speaks to how not using one can improve performance.

How to Deadlift: Layne Norton’s Complete Guide – Layne Norton (via


Did someone say deadlifts?


Elite Athletic Development 2.0 – Mike Robertson & Joe Kenn

Listen: these are two of the best strength coaches out there giving you the inside scoop on how they approach assessment, periodization, conditioning, coaching progressions/regressions, and everything in between.

If you’re looking to get better as a coach or personal trainer (or just looking for quality information cause you’re a fitness nerd) this shouldn’t be a hard sell.

Invest in yourself. And you might as well do it while you can still save yourself 100 bones. SALE ends tonight (Friday) at midnight.


CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 10/2/15

I’ve been a little lackadaisical with updating the blog this week, which I apologize for. I’ve only put up three posts instead of my usual 4-5.

Such a slacker.

Not to be all cryptic or anything, but I do have some big news to report that I’ll be sharing in more detail sometime next week.

Hint: Tony’s Techno Tuesday2 will be in full effect.


Before I get into this week’s list of stuff to read – and on a completely unrelated note – how excited is everyone to go see The Marian this weekend?


Ever since I read the book a year ago and then heard the news that both Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner, Gladiator, Black Hawk Down) and Matt motherfuckin Damon were attached to direct and star, I’ve had to do all I can to not allow my brain to spontaneously combust via a seismic nerdgasm.

It’s been getting rave reviews – 92% “fresh” on – and well, Matt Damon can do no wrong.

Another movie I’m really excited to see that opens in wide-release this weekend is Sicario. Starring Emily Blunt, Josh Brolin, and Benicio del Toro – and directed by Denis Villeneuve (Prisoners) – it looks pretty spectacular and eerily similar (at least stylistically) to the movie Traffic. This too has been getting a ton of positive buzz and reviews.


As a quick reminder, Dean Somerset and I will be putting on our Complete Shoulder & Hip Workshop two more times in 2015.


CHICAGO (October 17-18th) at Rebell Strength & Conditioning.

LOS ANGELES (November 14-15th) at CrossFit 714 in Anaheim.

CEU’s will be available for both workshops.

The 5 People Every Lifter Needs To Avoid (Plus 5 People You Need in Your Life) – Dani Shugart

The popular saying goes that everyone is the average of the five people they hang out with this most. This is true.

It’s also true that if the five people you hang out with the most are the type of people other people would want to shove into a live volcano, you probably shouldn’t be hanging out with them.

Review of Complete Shoulder & Hip Workshop (What I Learned From Dean and Tony) – Stevan Freeborn

This was an excellent review from an attendee from last weekend’s event in St. Louis. I’m not linking to it as a way to gloat.

Okay, maybe a little.

Stevan covers A LOT of material in this post, and does a stellar job articulating many “take aways” that everyone can use at the gym today.

Are GMOs Bad For Your Health? – Helen Kollias (via Precision Nutrition)

GMOs are evil.

They’re nothing but inedible Frankenfood.

Or are they? Enlightening and FAIR conversation in this article.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 9/25/15

I’m on my way to St. Louis this weekend to spend a few days coaching up a small group of fitness professionals for mine and Dean Somerset’s Complete Shoulder & Hip Workshop we’re holding at Blue Ocean Fitness.

While there I’m hoping to head to a Cards game, not get beat up for wearing a RedSox hat, and meet up with long-time CSP athlete and St. Louis relief pitcher, Steve Cishek.

Oh, and eat tons of BBQ. If St. Louis is anything close to Kansas City on that front, I can’t wait!

Just as an FYI: Dean and I will also be hitting up both Chicago and LA in the near future:

CEU’s will be available for all workshops.

CHICAGO (October 17-18th).

LOS ANGELES (November 14-15th)

Hope you see you there!

6 Bad Arguments That Make the GMO Debate Look Stupid – Go Kaleo

This is an argument that can get heated. Both sides of the fence are pretty adamant and steadfast in their beliefs. On one side you have those who feel ingesting genetically engineered food is akin to napalming an orphanage of kittens, while on the other you have those who feel it’s no big deal.

I like Go Kaleo’s stance to be “cautiously pro-GMO.” She’s not all in, but understands that many of those who argue against it use really, really, REALLY dumb logic.

Increasing Velocity Through More Efficient Landing Positions – Matt Blake

CSP Pitching Coordinator, Matt Blake, knows a thing or two when it comes to breaking down pitching mechanics. Wish I would have had someone like him in my corner when I played ball. I totally would have learned how to throw a curve ball.

Advance Training: Max-Growth Cluster Sets – Christian Thibaudeau

I looooooooove cluster training. And this was an excellent article by Coach Thibs describing their efficacy for building monsters, as well as showcasing a “new” way to implement them for maximal muscle stimulation.


And that’s it. Enjoy the weekend everyone.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 9/18/15

Before we jump into this week’s list, as a reminder: Dean Somerset and I kicked off our Complete Shoulder & Hip Training Workshop a few weekends ago up in Edmonton, Alberta and have several stops across North America lined up over the next several weeks.

It’s like a traveling Cirque du Soleil show, except with no tents, flashy acrobatics, animals, or ripped half- naked dudes contorting themselves into pretzels.

So it’s really nothing like that.

We teamed up last year for a handful of workshops that were successful – London, DC, LA –  and didn’t want to kill each other, so we figured we’d do it again this year

This time around we’re going to place a ton of emphasis on the hips and shoulders. One day will be entirely dedicated to the shoulders (me), and the other hips (Dean). We’ll talk anatomy, assessment, corrective exercise, programming, and we’ll also be doing a fair amount of coaching/hands-on demonstrations.

Here’s a nice testimonial we received from the Edmonton workshop:

CEU’s will be available for all workshops.

ST. LOUIS (next weekend, September 26-27th. A few spots are still available).

CHICAGO (October 17-18th).

LOS ANGELES (November 14-15th)

Hope you see you there!

Effective Warm-Ups to Improve Your Squat, Deadlift, and Bench Numbers – Ryan Wood

Everyone is pressed for time nowadays, and as such…the warm-up often gets the shaft and is axed from most training routines. Or, at the very least is drastically reduced to a few arm circles here and some high knee lunges there and we’re off to the races.

I know I’m a culprit of doing it sometimes.

Ryan offers some quick and efficient warm-up exercises to help prime the body for lifting heavy things.

Understanding and Developing Starting Strength – Bryan Mann

This is a somewhat older article (March 2015), but after listening to Bryan’s interview on Mike Robertson’s podcast (FYI: you should subscribe to it HERE) and getting my face melted with some of the knowledge he was sharing I had to seek out more of his work.

I think many trainers and coaches – myself included- have a (false) idea of what “starting strength” actually is and how to train for it.

This article clears it up.

Strength Training Tricks: What Works? – Travis Pollen

I had the pleasure of helping to contribute to this article expounding on some of the more common coaching cues and methodologies that are tossed around.

Drop down fast (in the squat) to come up fast?

Don’t stretch your pecs before benching?

Touch the tongue on the roof your mouth (while deadlifting)?

Which ones stick and which ones are rubbish? An awesome clan of coaches offer their insights.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 9/11/15

I’d like to first take a moment to express my condolences to those people who lost friends, family, colleagues, and loved ones fourteen years ago today, and were most affected by the events of September 11th. I’d also like to extend my sincerest gratefulness to those who didn’t blink an eye to risk their own lives to help others.

Thank you.

Here’s this week’s list of stuff to read while you’re pretending to work….

Fixing Women’s Fitness: Strength Training For a Healthier Body Image – Dana Santas

When it comes to fitness, women don’t need to be “fixed!” The fitness media needs fixing!

Was honored to be asked by Dana Santas to help contribute to this article she wrote on CNN Health on empowering women to have a healthier body image. Women being told that weight training is “bad” or that it’s something they should avoid bothers me.

It should bother you too.

I’m always grateful when I have the opportunity to help spread this message on a much larger platform. Please give it a read, and if you like it please help spread the word.

Complete Program Design – Robert dos Remedios

There’s no ONE right way to write training programs. However, you can bet I’m going to sit down and take notes from someone who has close to 30 years of coaching experience.

‘Coach Dos’ is one of the best, and this is a fantastic resource for any fitness professional looking to add to their programming (and exercise) library.

It’s on sale, too. But it ends this weekend.

The Difference Between Gaining Muscle, Losing Fat, and Toning – Harold Gibbons

They’re all more the same than they are different.


Bonus: Excursions by Mick Boogie

Because, you’re welcome.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 9/4/15

A few housekeeping things to touch on before I dive into this week’s list.

1. A reminder that next Sunday (9/13) is our 4th annual Cressey Sports Performance Fall Seminar. It’s become sort of a “thing” in the industry. And if you haven’t been to one yet, you’re missing out on not only a bunch of great information from a very knowledgable staff, but pictures of  my cat too.

She’s the cutest!3

2. Dean Somerset and I are hitting up various spots in North America this Fall for our Complete Shoulder & Hip Workshop.

We gave our new material a test-run two weekends ago up in Edmonton, Canada and the feedback we got was awesome. Here’s personal trainer, Erica, of SVPT Fitness & Athletics (which hosted the event) with a brief testimonial:


Next stops on the tour:

ST. LOUIS (Blue Ocean Fitness): September 26-17th.

CHICAGO (Rebell Strength & Conditioning): October 17-18th

LA/ANAHEIM (CrossFit 714): November 14-15th


3.  I’ll also be doing a super special SOLO (1-Day) workshop in NYC at Legacy Strength located in Floral Park, NY. The workshop is titled Shoulder Assessment 101: Deconstructing Everything From Computer Guy to the Elite Athlete.

Date: Sunday, October 25th

Location: Legacy Strength, Floral Park, NY.

Spots are limited. And I’m not just saying that to give off some false sense of urgency either. It’s being capped at 10-12 people; unless your name is Matt Damon. In that case, there is no cap.

For more information contact: Joey Olivo at:

How To Build a Successful and Rewarding Career in Fitness – Nate Green

Here’s an excellent article from Precision Nutrition’s site (written by Nate Green) on what it takes to become a “successful” fitness professional.

A lot of useful tips and insights here. If you’re a young fitness pro this is required reading.

10 Reasons You Should Be Doing Turkish Get-Ups – Monika Volkmar

Very through article on the get-up, from the perspective of a dancer.

Breaking Down Fitness Buzzwords – Part 2: Corrective Exercise – Josh Landis

Ask ten different coaches/trainers their definition of “corrective exercise,” and you’re bound to get ten different explanations.

It’s a buzzword that’s tossed out frequently – and it does mean something – however in this article Josh attempts to help us through the weeds.

Note from TG: If you haven’t checked it out yet, Dr. Evan Osar’s Integrative Corrective Exercise Approach is a fantastic resource (curriculum) for any fitness professional looking to up their game on assessment and program design around many common injuries and dysfunctions.

The difference is that Dr. Osar understands that strength can be corrective. And I dig that.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 8/28/15

I can’t believe we’re only a handful of days away until it’s September. SEPTEMBER! The good news is that Fall is my favorite time of year here in Boston…the leaves changing color, the crisp air, it officially becoming “I can wear sweat pants anywhere at any time (even at the dinner table) and no one cares” season.

It’s glorious.

The downside is that many of us here in New England (especially Boston) still have last winter fresh in our minds and we’re still cowering in the corner in the fetal position. Over six-feet of snow in a 30 day span (110+ inches overall) will give anyone nightmares.

We still have several more weeks of amazing weather, though. No point in playing Johnny Raincloud too soon.

Lets get to this week’s list:

MASS – Dr. Pat Davidson

Anyone who knows Pat or is familiar with his work knows how much of a “psycho” he is. And I mean that as a compliment.

Pat’s a former assistant professor at Springfield College and is currently the Director of Training Methodology and Continuing Education at Peak Performance in NYC. He’s also one of the smartest guys I’ve ever met, and if there’s anyone who literally eats, drinks, and sleeps strength and conditioning it’s him. He’s read everything, and tried it. Twice.

Pat’s a savage (<– again, a compliment) and someone who’s only interested in bringing out the “savage” in everyone he trains and works with.

MASS speaks for itself. The name alone should give you an indication on what it’s designed to do. But in case you’re not picking up the vibe it’s a 16-week muscle building treatise, and it’s brutal.

Admittedly I haven’t taken myself through it personally (yet), but I know of several coaches who have and no one has finished. They all got bigger and put on significant size, but all tapped out after 8-12 weeks.

Like I said, Pat’s a savage. Are you willing to give it a go?

Butter In Your Coffee and Other Cons: Stories From a Fitness Insider – Dick Talens

This was an excellent article by Dick on some of the more “shady” areas and personas in the fitness industry. Well worth the read.

Cardio Revisited – Tanner Baze (via Roman Fitness Systems)

In some ways the health & fitness industry mirrors that of the fashion industry: trends come and go. Although, lets be honest: who the heck knows where skinny jeans came from and why they’re so popular?

Not long ago, if you were a meathead, doing any form of “cardio” was taboo. Even if you thought about putting on a pair of jogging shoes you’d lose your gainz.

As of late, however, it’s making a bit of a comeback. This article helps explain why it can help (and actually improve) your gainz.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 8/21/15

I’m traveling this weekend. To Edmonton, Alberta. That’s in Canada. It’s August, so I’m hopeful it’s not cold as balls.

Wish me luck/I love you.

Lets get to this week’s list of stuff to read.

Cardio: Steady-State vs. HIIT vs. Just Lifting Weights – Jay Kali

Another well-written, fair, informative piece on the benefits of doing your aerobic work. With references!

The Right Way To Do a Turkish Get-Up – Me, Myself, & I

Is it cheating if I put one of my own articles on the list?

This is a quickie I wrote for Men’s Health on the “big rock” tips to performing the Turkish Get-Up well.

Integrative Corrective Exercise Approach – Dr. Evan Osar


Today (8/21) is the LAST day to purchase Dr. Osar’s comprehensive corrective exercise course at a discounted price. I’ve been a big fan of Dr. Osar’s work ever since I read his first book, Form & Function, back in the day and am always impressed whenever I have the opportunity to listen to him speak – most recently this past July at the Perform Better Summit in Providence, RI – as he’s an open-minded guy who doesn’t take a black or white approach to anything.

If you’re a fitness professional looking to improve your assessment skills in addition to solidifying your corrective exercise approach (breathing, alignment, strength work) to better serve your clients/athletes, then I can’t recommend this resource enough.

Go HERE for more information.

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 8/14/15

Lets jump right to this week’s list.

So You Lose All That Weight. Now What? – via Brandon LaVack

We all know of someone who has worked their tail off to lose a bunch of weight only to have it return (and then some) after the fact.

This was more or less a “best of” playlist from several fitness professionals on their perspective regarding the topic.

The Guide to Getting Old Man Strength – Kyle Farnsworth

I remember always watching Kyle Farnsworth pitch back in the day, and outside of throwing gas I used to always think to myself “dude is yoked!”

And was someone I wouldn’t want to pick a fight with:


I felt this was pretty cool article on Kyle’s lifelong pursuit of fitness and how it allowed him to not only have a long and successful MLB career, but to pursue other athletic endeavors as well.

Peer Leadership: 8 Thoughts On How To Make the Most Out of An Opportunity, Others, & Yourself – Greg Robins

CSP coach Greg Robins gave an amazing in-service a few days ago on this topic, and the article linked to above sums it up thoroughly. A relevant read for anyone regardless of career.