Monthly Archives: June 2009

Exercises You Should Be Doing: Elbow Touches and Some Other Exercise That Has a Long Name That I Don’t Want To Include Here Because Then It Will Make the Title of This Blog Post Too Long

I have like 30 minutes to pack all my food for the day, brush my teeth, get dressed, and catch up on a few e-mails before I head to work. So here’s a quick post containing not one, but two exercises you should be doing. Enjoy……. What Is It: My arms look jacked Elbow Touches… Read more

Training Tips From A to Z

Back in the summer of 2006, I read a book called The Alphabet of Manliness. Like all the great literary classics, it covered a breathtaking range of topics, from beef jerky to lumberjacks to Chuck Norris. All that was missing was information specific to muscleheads like us. So I wrote my own A-to-Z guide, focusing… Read more

Ever Wonder What’s In My Fridge?

I’m showing this picture of my fridge for two reasons: 1. The likelihood that it will ever be this this clean again is slim to none, and I wanted photographic evidence. I’m pretty sure Britney Spears has a better shot at writing a Pulitzer Prize winning book on motherhood than my fridge has at staying… Read more

18 Seconds of Awesomeness*

Yesterday I mentioned how CP client Dede Griesbauer won Ironman Brazil over weekend. Well, here’s the last 18 seconds. Wanna know what’s funny? This is eerily similar to what kind of crowd reaction I get every time I “courtesy flush” in a public restroom. HI-HO! Again, congratulations Dede. We’re very proud of you! * That’s… Read more

Miscellaneous Miscellany Monday (A Day Late Because I Moved Into My New Apartment and Didn’t Get the Interbwebz Hooked Up Till Yesterday Edition)

As the title states, I moved into my new apartment at the tail end of last week, so I apologize for taking so long to write another post. Suffice it to say, I’m digging the new pad. My cupboards are stocked with beef jerky, Star Wars posters are up, and I bought a plunger. Oh,… Read more